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Jessica Lynn Carroll (Caroline) and Devion McArthur (Anthony) in "I and You" (Photo: Marin Theatre Company)
Arts & CultureIn All Things
John A. Coleman
We Americans would be very well served (and it is, of course, a Catholic motif) by some massive injections of Whitman's robust sense of a relational self.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
A majority of U S Hispanics identify as Catholic 53 percent 25 percent identify as Protestant nearly evenly divided between evangelical Protestant and mainline Protestant and few Hispanics 6 percent identify with a non-Christian religion But perhaps the fastest growing ldquo religious rd
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
As the government shutdown snorted and whinnied on into its second week the mood accountants at Pew checked in with the American public Here 39 s a little of what they discovered Eighty-one percent say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States while just 14 percent
In All Things
Margot Patterson
The impasse over the budget seems to have been all about 'machismo.'
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The U S bishops welcomed the decision of federal government leaders to agree to end the partial government shutdown 16 days after closing many offices and suspending important programs and services The bishops also were heartened that so many who had been out of work could return to their jobs ld
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Some thoughts quot On the International Day to Eradicate Poverty quot nbsp from Joe Donnelly of Caritas Internationalis The MDGs are still here They keep coming up They 39 re informing many They 39 re disturbing others They speak from people everywhere They 39 re demanding our attention Tomorro