For a glimpse into the lives of those most affected by the nation's economic woes, check out the 60 Minutes segment "Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars." Reporter Scott Pelly traveled to Florida to interview some of the families who spend days or weeks livning in their cars when money runs out and there is no room at local shelters. He focuses primarily on homeless children, who try to blend in at school and keep busy in the evenings. The report is heartbreaking. How a nation as wealthy as ours, even in times like now, can allow nearly 25% of all children to live in poverty is baffling. Perhaps something to ponder on "cyber Monday" which follows a record setting spending splurge of over $54 billion on "black Friday."
Watch the segment here.
It's been an eye-opening experience as this $200/week motel is full of families. Kids are rolling through the parking lot on their skateboards in a pretty darn noble attempt to have a normal home life.
Some live here, some trade off a week in a place like this with a week in their car.
Most people with homes and jobs and health insurance are unaware of this world. I can tell you right now: It's real, and it's all around.