Congresswoman Linda Sanchez from California has announced that she is pregnant and expecting her first child in May. Congratulations to her and her fiancé Jim Sullivan.
Last month, I suggested that Sanchez would be an ideal candidate for Secretary of Labor in an Obama administration, given her strong pro-labor record, her mastery of the issues, and her familiarity with foreign affairs that will be central to trade relations. I think the case for her appointment is made even stronger by this latest news. Working Moms are almost as critical a political demographic as Latinos and Sanchez is now both. The Obama transition team has so far been short of prominent Latinos on Cabinet nominee shortlists. Sanchez should be on the list and could speak about the challenges of being a working Mom with unique authority.
It will be a great moment to see a black man take the oath of office as President in January. It would be another great moment, if you will pardon the expression, a moment pregnant with meaning, to see a very pregnant Sanchez get sworn in as Secretary of Labor, and subsequently to show up to meetings with an infant in tow. The way to promote family values is to value families. In addition, Obama would have a highly talented and competent Secretary of Labor.