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James T. Keane is a senior editor at America.
FaithFaith and Reason
James T. Keane
A gathering of scholars last week in Nairobi focused on the theological foundations of synodality and the contributions of African theologians to the synodal process.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
The longtime 'America' illustrator John Hapgood served in World War II in the “Ghost Army,” a unit dedicated to deception and trickery that ran 21 different ersatz military campaigns between D-Day and the surrender of Germany in May 1945.
FaithShort Take
James T. Keane
The Catholic Theological Society of America honored Mary Catherine Hilkert, O.P., with the John Courtney Murray Award, its highest honor, this past weekend in Baltimore.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Jürgen Moltmann's influence on theology extended far beyond his native Germany or his religious denomination. His "theology of hope" influenced everything from liberation theology to contemporary politics.
FaithScripture Reflections
James T. Keane
A Reflection for the Memorial of Saint Barnabas, Apostle, by James T. Keane
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
As we prepare to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day later this week, a look back at how 'America' covered the invasion then and in the years following.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
It has been 77 years since Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball—and led his Brooklyn Dodgers to new heights in their final years in the borough.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
A poet and a woman religious whose work often appeared in America, M. Madeleva Wolff, C.S.C., is known for much more than her verse. She was also a pioneer in Catholic education in the United States.
James T. Keane
The Catholic Church has communicated with its flock throughout the centuries by means of papal bulls. But what on earth is a papal bull?
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
I was well into adulthood before I realized the co-author of my battered copy of The Elements of Style was also the author of Stuart Little and Charlotte’s Web.