For the last eight years of my pilgrim journey, I have lived at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Camden, N.J. My studio, where I spend my hours in creative bliss, free of the internet and a phone, is in south Camden at Sacred Heart Church. Across from my studio window stands Our Lady of Camden, a life-sized bronze sculpture of Mary as a black woman. Living in a city notorious for its violence has made me more aware of God as the source and summit of beauty—the beauty to be found at the margins, the beauty of black and brown, the beauty emerging from transformed brokenness.

Black Madonnas first entered my life about 25 years ago when I made an artist’s pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. I was in grief following the death of my parents and seeking a change of life to suit my new identity as a middle-aged orphan. Our group of 12 pilgrims started out in Paris, following a popular medieval route southward to the Pyrenees and across northern Spain. It was a life-changing trip for me. Seeing some of the greatest art and architecture in Western church history illuminated the deep, dark recesses of my spirit with new and gentle light.
I am but one in a long line of seekers—many centuries’ worth actually—to have been smitten with the Black Madonnas we encountered along the pilgrim route. Since that initial trip, I have traveled twice to Montserrat, near Barcelona, where St. Ignatius of Loyola had a conversion of heart and left his sword at her feet. She is covered in gold and silver mined by slaves in South America, which makes for a conflictingly poignant visit.

St. Francis de Sales said, “We pray best before beauty.” Granted, he lived by a picturesque lake in the French Alps, so it was natural for him to reach that conclusion. But he was not just speaking about surface beauty. When he was a college student in Paris, suffering a crisis of faith that brought him deep anxiety, he visited the black Madonna known as Our Lady of Good Deliverance and prayed the Memorare. She lifted his sagging spirit, brought him inner peace and changed his life forever. The very heart of Salesian spirituality is about living life in love, not fear; about not allowing worry and anxiety too much power over us; and about seeing darkness, no matter how it comes our way, as gift and grace.
Archetypally speaking, the blackness of black Madonnas is symbolically linked to creativity and newness, to welcoming the darkness while seeking the light, to embracing mystery. Mary’s blackness reminds us of the rich, fertile soil in which we scatter the seeds of new dreams and possibilities. Hers is the cosmic blackness of the night sky and the ever-expanding universe. It is the darkness of the womb, the “maternal womb of mercy,” a term that Pope Francis has used to describe the church.

In the United States, it is difficult for us to see black or brown without racial connotations. As an artist of faith, I strive in all my work to honor the traditions and origins of our timeless religious symbols while seeing them with modern eyes and sensibilities. As an American Catholic in 2017, deeply disturbed by the racial strife of our nation and dangling by the frayed but sacred threads of my faith, I find renewed hope and comfort in Mary the Black Madonna. For me, she remains the loving font of wisdom she was to saints such as Francis de Sales and Ignatius Loyola. She is still the source of comfort she has always been for restless pilgrims who have crisscrossed Europe for centuries.
But in today’s world, she means even more.

Lately, because of the pervasive divisiveness in our church and nation, I find myself painting more Black Madonnas as my morning meditations than ever before. In my lifetime of 60 years, I do not recall having so many reasons to cry and send up my sighs to Mary for help and hope: the sharp increase in hate crimes; the blatant homophobia and anti-Semitism; the anti-immigrant, anti-Latino, anti-Muslim fervor that poisons our air; the greed and selfishness that is destroying our common home; terrorism, gun violence and disease; red pews and blue pews in our churches.
Last year, as my prayerful artistic response to the racial fears and tensions, I painted a Black Lives Matter Madonna. I showed her for the first time at a retreat I was leading near Detroit last summer. When I returned to my seat, there was an unsigned message for me scrawled on a piece of loose leaf paper. It read, “All lives matter.” Sadly, my anonymous friend, that is not true in this country and never has been. I could prove it by inviting you to Camden, where you would see for yourself. But I would invite you to look beneath the surface, with your other eyes, the ones in your heart where you will see darkness as beauty not fear, rich in mystery and promise and full of light.

Across the street from my bedroom window is a scene I have painted several times since I have lived in Camden: a Chinese restaurant and a dentist’s office. It has been my humble little corner of the world for eight years, and I love it. I look at this familiar scene with pilgrim eyes—the eyes of the Dark Madonna who has prayed for us sinners in this dark valley of tears from Bethlehem and Calvary through medieval France to the world today. I paint, and I pray: Hail Mary, full of grace, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, the Prince of Peace, the Light of the World, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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The premise of this article is RACIST. It's based on race, not religion. Who cares about the color of someone's skin? incl. Mary's? What's important is who the BVM/Queen of Heaven is, not "skin color". Shame. Bring racism into the topic of the BVM is divisive and totally unnecessary. Should we demand depictions of white MLKs or Michael Jordan next?
Says the white-supremacist who thinks Europe should remain for the "indigenous Europeans" (presumably white) only. How Ironic that you ask, "who cares about the color of someone's skin" while in another article attack Africans and people of color from Islamic countries all while imploring that Europe remain white. The shame falls squarely on you and your racist ideology. Shame on you.
Whites are fast becoming the minority in America, and perhaps soon in Europe. And the fear among poorly educated, generally racist whites is palpable. I suspect the origin of that fear, though, lies in the perception that as a minority, whites will finally be treated the way they have always treated minorities. How terrifying, surely, to be faced with the same hatred you promote and espouse. How lucky that those who have faced such hatred, bigotry, racism and oppression from whites don't generally embrace it.
The Black Madonna continues to inspire people of goodwill across all continents. Pray for us O Black Madonna now, and at the hour of our death.
Just like anti-Catholicism was the great sin of British rule in Ireland, so has racism been the great sin of USA history. Just like “Catholic lives matter” means to point out the segregation and discrimination that still exist in Northern Ireland, “Black lives matter” means to call attention to an institutional and cultural discrimination that still pervades USA life.
Ms. Malloy’s comments reveal a lack of understanding that, to those for whom discrimination is a daily fact of life, such discrimination belittles the fullness of their humanity and citizenship. The no-doubt darker complexion of the Jewish Virgin who gave birth to Christ was no doubt closer to that of the Black Madonna, who reminds us not to dismiss any other human being from our attention and benefaction.
I have seen depictions of Mary in many ethnic guises. In China she is Chinese, in Africa, African; in Vietnam, Vietnamese; Native Americans of their own tribe.. Most every group wants to make her and Jesus appear 'like one of us'.
We might consider that Mary was a 'Senior Citizen' by the time she died. Whenever that was. If she was maybe 15 at the time of the annunciation, and 16 at the Birth of Jesus, and Jesus was close to 40 at the time of his death, that would make her 55 at that time of the Crucifixion. Which - for the time - would have been fairly elderly.
How many more years she lived, we aren't told.
Where are the depictions of Mary for us elderly folks?