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The EditorsFebruary 08, 2019

Cunctando regitur mundus: “By delay is the world ruled.” This ancient Latin aphorism has long been a guiding principle of the practice of romanita, the art of getting things done in the Eternal City. In a church that tends to measure time in centuries, patience to wait for the right moment to act is indeed important.

The U.S. Catholic bishops and their flock got a taste of how romanita works before and during the U.S.C.C.B. meeting in November in Baltimore, when Pope Francis asked them to table a vote on new sex abuse reforms until after the worldwide meeting of the presidents of the bishops’ conferences of the Catholic Church in Rome planned from Feb. 21 to 24. Pope Francis and his advisers, it seemed, did not want the U.S. bishops to act unilaterally or rashly on an issue with worldwide implications.

Now that the Vatican meeting is finally upon us, hopes are high (perhaps too high) that the summit will bring about significant and lasting change in the church’s approach to the plague of sex abuse and its cover-up. We pray for those gathered in Rome and urge them to remember that this is no longer a time for waiting. The church needs strong and unequivocal guidelines for the prevention of abuse and justice for the abused, a public declaration that the rights of victims have priority and legislative action to ensure that no one in the church, even bishops and cardinals, is above the law.

Sometimes by transparency and decisive action is the world ruled.

[Explore America’s in-depth coverage of Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.]

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J. Calpezzo
5 years 8 months ago

Roger Mahony

5 years 8 months ago

It needs a clear plan to deal with the homosexual nexus of this abuse crisis--starting with acknowledging that nexus--and stopping the pretend shift that "clericalism" and not acting on homosexual inclinations are responsible for this phenomenon.

Vincent Gaglione
5 years 8 months ago

Sexual travesties of all kinds are problematic in all institutions and segments of societies. In some cultures, in fact, it remains not only tolerated but also encouraged.

Going forward, we can pray that the sexual travesties within our Church will indeed be dealt with forthrightly, empathetically, decisively, and justly for both victims and perpetrators. But we must also become the guardians, the monitors, to ensure that it remains so in whatever process is created. The cynicism of our past, the product of our clergy, must give way to the activism of our future, the work of our laity.

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