Imagine Jesus' agony cross. In the final moments of his life, he did not judge or condemn, he forgave and witnessed to the mercy of God. In this episode of Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer, we’ll focus on the story of Jesus’ crucifixion as told in the Gospel of Luke. In this version of the crucifixion, Jesus is nailed to the cross and placed between two criminals. One of the criminals joins the crowd in taunting him. The other defends Jesus, recognizing his innocence. Whatever crime he had committed, this man earnestly pleads with Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He reminds us that Jesus can be found in the most unlikely of places, and is always happy to welcome us home.
"Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer" is a podcast that guides you through a form of prayer called Ignatian Contemplation, in which you use your imagination to see and interact with various scenes from Scripture.
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