
Tucker Redding, S.J., is a Jesuit scholastic and an assistant producer of audio and video at America.
The disciples on the road to Emmaus had certain expectations about the Messiah, but were disillusioned when Jesus was put to death. Their conversion was one of being called to a more profound faith in the redemptive suffering of Christ.
In the final moments of his life, Jesus forgives a condemned criminal. Can we do the same?
Imagine the tension in the room as a known sinner walks in and starts weeping at Jesus' feet.
Watch as Jesus calls Levi the tax collector and they share a meal together, while the Pharisees and scribes ridicule Jesus for his embrace of outcasts.
Watch and listen as Jesus calls to a group of fishermen at the Sea of Galilee and they leave everything behind to follow him. The story is simple, but powerful. What was it about this man and his invitation that inspired them to go with him? In what ways have we heard the simple call to, “Follow me”?
Lent is a time of personal and communal conversion, when we acknowledge that God calls each one of us to draw closer and we examine the ways in which we need to grow in response to that call.
Arts & CultureTelevision
The theme of “not measuring up” is a major component of Marvel’s latest Disney+ series, “Loki.”
Arts & CultureFilm
She has faced ultra-powerful, god-like monsters. This time the true opponent is quite different.
Listen to this season of the Imagine podcast as we contemplate the mysteries of advent.