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March 12, 2007

Vol. 196 / No. 9

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Arts & Culture Books
Charles R. MorrisMarch 12, 2007

De gustibus non est disputandum is a snippet of medieval wisdom mostly honored in the breach as evidenced by Michael Kammen 8217 s Visual Shock a cheerful history of more than a century and a half of arguments about art Kammen is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian of American culture and his re

Arts & Culture Books
Kevin O'NeilMarch 12, 2007

Two churchmen made headlines in 2006 with their comments about mandatory celibacy for Latin rite Catholic priests Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo of Zambia dropped from sight in Rome and appeared in the United States with his wife Maria Sung In July he founded Married Priests Now an association of m

The Word
Daniel J. HarringtonMarch 12, 2007

One of the most beloved parts of the Bible is the parable of the prodigal son In the context of Luke 15 it serves to explain why Jesus spent so much time and energy on ministering to such religiously marginal persons as tax collectors and sinners While the parable can be approached from many angle

Terry GolwayMarch 12, 2007

More than a quarter-century ago, the Archdiocese of Chicago embarked on what must have seemed a radical idea at the time: catechetical barhopping. Well, that’s probably a bit too glib and irreverent. But it’s also not far from the truth. The program, after all, was called Theology on Tap

Current Comment
The EditorsMarch 12, 2007

An Anglican Schism? Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, faces an almost impossible challenge. Last week in Tanzania, a gathering of three dozen Anglican bishops rebuked their American branch, the Episcopal Church, for supporting gay clergy; consecrating Bishop V. Gene Robinson, an openly g


Vatican Rejects Appeal Against ExcommunicationThe Vatican’s highest court said it has no jurisdiction over a decision in March 1996 by Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Neb., that Catholics in his diocese who are members of Call to Action Nebraska and 10 other organizations were automati