The first essay by Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., in America’s annual Books on the Bible roundup appeared in the issue of Feb. 9, 1991.
In the biblical field there are matters of debate that remain unsettled, at least for now.
Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement on Feb. 11 caught the world by surprise and moved many to reflect not only on his decision to step down from the See of Peter, but on the highlights of his eight-year papacy. We asked four contributors to reflect on Pope Benedict’s legacy, as evidenced in
It is crucial to read the popes two Jesus books for what they are: a form of biblical theology.
The Bible's influence through history
For decades Wilfrid Harrington has provided the best in contemporary biblical scholarship.
Terence Fretheim forces us to rethink who God is and how God relates to our world.
Books exploring where Judaism and Christianity meet
Luke Timothy Johnson examines the lives of the early Christians.