Holocaust literature that grimmest of subgenres may be said to have begun with Primo Levi 8217 s devastating and indispensable though wretchedly translated Survival in Auschwitz 1947 But Levi was little read at first not until the trial of Adolf Eichmann unforgettably reported by Hannah Ar
The first impulse of many particularly on the right will be to dismiss this book immediately upon reading its title Indeed by mentioning the political F- word and linking it with a war on America Hedges takes to a new level an already ongoing critique of the Christian right developed in a spate
In this thought-provoking study Brother Patrick Hart former secretary to Thomas Merton has drawn from a notable list of collaborators a full spectrum of ideas on the future of monasticism In his Introduction Dom Bernardo Olivera O C S O warns that if monastic life is not continually updated
French theorists used to employ the term “pure cinema” to describe film as an entirely new art form of moving images. It struck directly at the senses and created its own experience, without reliance on older forms like literature, painting, music or photography. The theory provided the
The Scripture readings during this Easter season have led us to reflect on ways in which the movement begun by the earthly Jesus has continued They have included personal and communal relationship with the risen Jesus efforts at fulfilling Jesus rsquo command to love God and one another and the h
Jesús is a 22-year-old Colombian who was forced from his home by the decades-old civil war. He and others in his village were captured by the paramilitaries in 2005. They were massed into a forced death march. At gunpoint, they were made to dig graves for the dead. Jesús said, I never knew when I