Why must we turn our eyes from suffering? A reflection on my mother’s death.
Imagine a trek across many lands--from Xian in central China through Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Afghanistan Iran Turkey and finally Antakya Antioch on the Medite-rraneanby rattletrap buses primitive trains taxis hired cars and trucks one brief plane ride and endless hikes from score
Today we consider the second part of Jesus second instruction about prayer in Luke 18 The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector reminds us that God hears the prayers of some surprising persons and that we all must approach God in prayer with humility The Old Testament passage from Sirach 3
A year ago this month in a one-room schoolhouse in the small Amish community called Nickel Mines Lancaster County Pa an otherwise peaceful and idyllic setting was pierced with the ring of gunfire The shooter the father of three was allegedly angry with God over the death of his newborn fi
They should call it trip or treat, our 4-year-old quips, struggling with the tail of her hand-me-down mermaid costume, while her baby brother trips over his duck costume. More safety pins to the rescue, is my standard trip or treat fix-it. My husband prefers duct tape. I wish all solutions were as