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Pope speaks during general audience in St. Peter's Square at Vatican (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

Pope Francis will create his first cardinals during a consistory on Feb. 22, the feast of the Chair of St. Peter. Pope Francis’ first consistory also will offer clues about how he intends to use the College of Cardinals during his papacy, which, he has already shown, he sees as an instrumental advisory body. Frederico Lombardi, S.J., the Vatican spokesman, said on Oct. 31 that also in mid-February, the pope will have members of the governing council of the Synod of Bishops meet in preparation for the extraordinary session on the family in October 2014 and will have his Council of Cardinals, a group of eight advisers, hold what will be their third gathering. Father Lombardi said that the pope wanted to hold a consistory for the creation of new cardinals during the same time period as the cardinals’ other meetings “to facilitate all these appointments.”

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Steve Perzan
10 years 10 months ago
In what would be the final consistory of his pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI approved a simplified and shorted rite for those who would be raised to the honor of Cardinal. The purpose of the revision was to make certain that the elevation to the rank of Cardinal was not seen as some “new sacrament of Ordination” but rather as an appointment to a position of governance within the Church. Now with the coming of Pope Francis, who is a master of symbolism, there is an opportunity to see that these changes of rite go right to the heart of reforming a Church in need of an image change. The very word “cardinal” belies the notion that these “men of the Church” are anything but servants of the Church as the reading and the prayer of ceremony announce. The word “cardinal” comes from the original Latin “cardinalis” meaning “important,” and Cardinals have been making their importance felt since the time of their institution. Nothing could receive more notice then “dressing up in red.” So here is a proposal. Instead of being called Cardinals their needs to be a name change that changes the game, something more reflective of their servant leadership. Pope Francis could call them “Camels of the Church,”-- beast of burdens, rather than give them the more lofty title “Princes of the Church.” Actually, this new name is more in line with the Gospels as the original word “camel” derives from the ancient Phoenician or Arabic “jamal” and means “bearer or carrier.” And this is exactly what our new “Camels of the Church” should be. They should be the ones to bear the problems of the church, carry them on their shoulders, and bring them before the Holy Pontiff so that as a group or governing body they can work as servants to help form policy and initiate holy solutions. And instead of receiving a “red hat” as the new Cardinals do, the new Camels of the Church could be clothed with a caramel colored prayer shawl draped over their shoulders covering their bodies, a symbol of the clothing that covered our first parents Adam and Eve, in humble recognition of their own frailty. The only pride that could then come would be within the group itself and that would be in being named “a one humped Camel or two!”
G Miller
10 years 10 months ago
Would these camels have one hump or two??? Just curious....

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