Asked in 1986 to describe himself, Fred Rogers listed off a long catalog of descriptors, including performer and television producer, but he concluded with “a husband and a father. And I am a minister.”
Andrew Krivak's new novel is an elegiac tale that resonates deeply with the creation spirituality that has been rising in our collective imagination.
One of Susan Sontag’s strengths was that anything that could be said about her by others was said, first and best, by Susan Sontag
Since 1990 a vibrant black parish has worshiped before the marvelous mural by Engelbert Mveng, S.J.
The film addresses the weightiest questions confronting the church—and not just about financial crimes and sexual abuse.
The story of a film that became an inspiration to Jesuits and their companions worldwide.
your soul, one drop of dew, magnifies the sun