In 'The Dangers of Christian Practice,' Lauren Winner shows that even our holiest religious practices create characteristic distortions.
Jerome Neyrey's new book displays the many ways in which Jesus was not only “like us in all things” but also definitely a person incarnated in his own culture.
Arnold Offner's biography shows Hubert Humphrey as a serious man who sought a serious goal: the betterment of his fellow Americans, whether through persuasion or legislation.
Who, exactly, was the fastidious, mustachioed Hercule Poirot?
My relationship with gospel music was forged not just on those Sunday mornings at home with Jackson and in church with my family but also on late nights in the backseat of a 1962 Chevy Bel Air sedan.
But even as the show mocks and fixates on his virginity, Colton invites empathy and sparks thought-provoking conversations about sexual morality.
The orchid book says to stop watering right before you think it’s enough, which doesn’t help much