
Patrick Gilger, S.J., is pursuing a Ph.D. in sociology at the New School for Social Research. He is America’s contributing editor for culture.
Arts & CultureBooks
In 'The Uses of Idolatry,' William Cavanaugh begins to write us a new story through which we might better understand ourselves and our times.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
The church’s passion for justice arises not only from its moral certainty, but even more from its solidarity with those who are suffering.
Arts & CultureBooks
In "For God and My Country: Catholic Leadership in Modern Uganda," J. J. Carney profiles a strategy for being both Catholic and catholic—both uniquely ourselves and totally for the world.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jason Blakely show that the very tools we human beings use to try to understand the world in fact end up constructing it, for better or for worse.
Arts & CultureBooks
Leslie Woodcock Tentler's new book is both a rigorous and laudable effort to cure American Catholics of the illusion that our desires have no history.
Milan, under quarantine, has asked me to renounce the particular version of our American response to fear that I have made my own.
Arts & CultureBooks
13 stories, each a mini-biography of one of those great souls whose faith in Jesus inspired and necessitated and sustained their work toward a more righteous world.
Arts & CultureBooks
In 'The Dangers of Christian Practice,' Lauren Winner shows that even our holiest religious practices create characteristic distortions.
Arts & CultureBooks
James K. A. Smith has spent much of his energy thinking about alternative communities and the politics of Jesus—about what role Christians should play in the American political project.
Arts & CultureFilm
"Star Wars," as a franchise, does not quite know what to do with the history it has inherited.