Aaron Blake at the Washington Post spots a phenom hiding in plain site. While reporters spent the GOP primary season tracking the ups and downs of the average Republican evangelical's psychologcial digestion of Mitt Romney's Mormonism, in the background the Catholics were coming, the Catholics were coming! ("everybody to get from street") He predicts that after decades of Protestant contenders, the GOP has emerged as the home of moderate-to-right Catholics who could become a force to the center for the GOP in the coming years.
Blake writes:
Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) — four of the five most likely GOP VP choices . . . are all Catholic, not to mention other people thought to be contenders, like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.), New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Sen. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) . . . But the 2012 veepstakes aside, the rising crop of Catholic politicians in the Republican Party signals a couple other shifts.
Most of these politicians will be considered top potential presidential candidates down the line, meaning it’s quite possible the Republican Party will nominate its first-ever Catholic for president in the relatively near future.
You can read the rest here.
Today m?ost Catholics are multi genrational? Americans wh?o? ??h?a?v?e? had plen?ty of time to know and ?e?x?p?e?r?i?e?n?c?e? ?w?h?a?t? ???????????????????????????Am?e?r?i?c?a?? ?i?s? ?a?l?l? ?a?b?o?u?t?.? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C?a?t?h?o?l?i?c?s? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????as a group???????? were op?en to what America had to offer and have experienc?e??d unusual so?cial, politcal and economic success while being free to at lesat potentially ful????ly paticipate in society?.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??T?h?e? ??G?O?P? ?a?i?m? ?i?s? ?t?o? ?c?o?n?t?i?n?u?e? ?t?h?e? ?s?u?c?c?e?s?s? ?o?f? ?t?h?e? ?????A?m?e?r?i?c?a?n? ?s?y?s?t?e?m? ?f?o?r? ?e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?'?s? ?b?n?e?f?i?t?.?????