
Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, archbishop of Chicago, is the Catholic co-chair of the National Catholic-Muslim Dialogue, sponsored by the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
FaithFaith and Reason
The reflections of Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., convinced me that Pope Francis' reframing of the scope and meaning of synods will have staying power, because it opens up a new model for the church.
Furthering the vision of Cardinal Bernardin with an Integral Ethic of Solidarity
FaithFaith and Reason
Cardinal Cupich: What Jesuit Catholic universities can do to stay true to their identity and mission
No Jesuit Catholic university’s mission should be reduced to the wider culture’s understanding of social justice.
FaithLast Take
Like St. John Paul II, Pope Francis takes seriously that the restoration of the liturgy was the result of the movement of the Holy Spirit.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Cardinal Cupich and Cardinal Dolan on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act: Does objecting to performing gender transition procedures—but welcoming patients who identify as transgender—constitute discrimination? Of course not.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
The right to bear arms will never be more important than human life. Our children have rights, too.
FaithFaith and Reason
Pope Francis wants all Catholics to recognize that Vatican II and its reforms are not only authentic actions of the Holy Spirit but also are in continuity with the tradition of the church.
FaithFaith and Reason
For the Catholic community, the penetrating vision of the Second Vatican Council identifies a clear pathway of public engagement and conscience formation.
FaithFaith and Reason
We should be fearless in making clear that tolerating clergy sexual abuse stands in total contradiction to the core of the Gospel message.
FaithLast Take
In an era when Islamophobia is on the rise, it seems especially important for Catholic Christians to know that in addition to sharing our belief in the one God, Muslims also share a reverence for Mary.