In the years following World War II and continuing after the Second Vatican Council, to be an American Catholic novelist often meant to be lapsed.
Michael Novak’s autobiography is another remarkable American success story.
‘The Unbelievers’ follows two superstars of neo-atheism: Richard Dawkins and Larry Krauss.
A poem by Jessica Powers from The Second “America” Book of Verse, a collection of the best of America poetry, 1930 to 1955.
Remember when you were a child how little understanding you had of how things happened if they would happen or when they would happen When you were waiting for something you wanted like Christmas for example excited anticipation fused with a vague sense of time to make waiting a consuming reali
The baby Jesus still grabs our attention and the sweet obsession of the gypsy Yerko in Robertson Davies rsquo s The Rebel Angels for the ldquo Bebby Jesus rdquo reveals that deep attraction After a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York where Yerko sees a medieval cr che scene he
I can’t remember being so inspired by so many young people in such a short period of time.