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March 3, 2014

Vol. 210 / No. 7

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Gary L. ChamberlainMarch 12, 2014

In a desperate move to bring fresh water to its parched northern regions China is constructing the South-North Water Diversion Project at a cost of 50 billion In the Near East the Jordan River shared among several countries is dangerously low and heavily polluted while in the United States th

"Exodus," by Marc Chagall, 1952-66
Karen Sue SmithFebruary 19, 2014

The Jewishness of Jesus has seldom been rendered more clearly in art than in the crucifixion scenes of Marc Chagall.

The Word
John W. MartensFebruary 19, 2014

In the temptation scene in Matthew the dark heart of the reality of sin is exposed when Satan offers Jesus ldquo all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor rdquo with only one simple condition ldquo if you will fall down and worship me rdquo Every act of sin we commit participates in t

James T. KeaneFebruary 19, 2014

Will the 'Francis effect' improve relations between academics and doctrinal guardians?

Current Comment
The EditorsFebruary 19, 2014

PTSD, normally associated with war zones, is prevalent in violent neighborhoods in the U.S.

Philosopher's Notebook
John J. Conley, S.J.February 19, 2014

Sunday is the contemplative space given outright to help us discover who we really are.

For the Law: Cardinal John Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria, joined other Nigerian bishops in commending legislation that criminalized same-sex relationships.
Signs Of the Times

As some African nations continue or contemplate a legislative clampdown on gay and lesbian people, The Southern Cross, South Africa’s Catholic weekly, urged Catholic Church leaders to do more to confront societal homophobia and laws that it might inspire. In an unsigned editorial published on