The Hoya, the newspaper of Georgetown University, recently interviewed university president John J. DeGioia. Mr. DeGioia commented upon a number of topics, including what Georgetown hopes to embody as a Catholic, Jesuit university. This passage caught my eye:
We strive to be one of the great universities in the world and we strive to be authentic Catholic and Jesuit and to do so in a way that acknowledges the tensions between trying to get that balance and a profound respect for engaging those tensions and critiquing ourselves in being able to respond to those tensions. The motto of the university, “both into one,” originally comes from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We’ve sort of taken a lot of liberty in explaining what “both into one” really means. I think one of the ways it takes meaning in our lifetime is really finding this balance between being a university and being a place that is authentically Catholic and Jesuit and finding a way to really integrate those in a way that enables us to be true to who we are.
See the rest of his interview here.