Today was a beautiful day of prayer, as each of the prior four days has been. In fact, the whole day was a prayer!
It was bittersweet to leave Galilee, I could have stayed there much longer. Each day there was such a gift; full of graces. I had a beautiful meditation in Capernaum where I met Jesus resting in the shade under a tree. This is a place I will return to in prayer many many times.
Today we journeyed from Galilee to Jerusalem along much the same route that Jesus took. I was thinking about him and his disciples making this trip along very rugged terrain. How difficult it must have been for Jesus, knowing the suffering he was about to endure. We stopped at the Jordan River, to renew our baptismal promises, there I could picture Jesus and John the Baptist together, when the sky opens up to hear God’s words: “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” It all became very real to me.
I was hoping for a dove, but I am sure the Holy Spirit was there anyway.
We had an amazing Mass at the tomb of Lazarus in Bethany. Each Mass has been more beautiful and inspiring than the last. Thank you Fathers Jim, Matt and Sam!
Celebrating the Eucharist with this wonderful group of pilgrims has been an incredible experience, there is such feeling of community among 100 people who did not know each other four days ago. I am truly blessed to be among them.
As I witnessed the past four days in all the miracles from the Gospels we read on and around the Sea of Galilee and the fact that I am here on this pilgrimage, it is true that nothing is impossible for God!
—Ann Migliaccio
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