During a time of political polarization, writes Matt Malone S.J., it is more often the serious business of governing that is a distraction—from the partisan combat that has become our all-consuming pastime.
In the absence of irrefutable evidence, the public response has fallen, as with so much else in this era of polarization, along partisan lines.
We should not forget to mourn as the country begins to decide how to most prudently restart life.
The Swedish approach to Covid-19 has been to suggest rather than mandate social distancing, reports the pastor of a small island parish in the Baltic. So far that has meant a higher death toll than in other Nordic countries.
The C.E.B.s have been assisting the most vulnerable victims of the pandemic on multiple levels. In El Salvador, they have been gathering food and money in order to prepare for a possible hunger crisis.
A 1958 graduate of Regis High School in New York and a 1962 graduate of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, Dr. Fauci encouraged graduating seniors at Jesuit high schools around the country to "be smart, strong and resilient."