A Reflection for Tuesday of the Twenty-seventh Week of Ordinary Time
Find today’s readings here.
“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing.” (Lk 10:40-42)
Jesus, in this reading, does not tell Martha what to do. He does not instruct her to stop bustling and being stressed and petty and burdened with serving. He does not demand she change her life. Instead, like a good mentor or spiritual director, he simply points out the reality of the situation and lets her decide what to do.
He tells Martha two truths. The first is very simple. It is the truth of the moment: You are anxious and worried about many things.
Christ reveals Martha to herself.
Christ reveals Martha to herself.
The second is the Truth of All Moments: I am the one thing truly needed. I clear away all anxiety and put to bed all worry. I am the Christ, I am peace itself.
Christ reveals himself to Martha.
In sharing these truths, he is telling Martha, echoing Deuteronomy, “‘I have set before you life and death,’ trust and worry, freedom and fear. The anxieties of trying to control everything, the deep peace of surrendering your life to me. And which, my daughter, which do you choose?” (Dt 30:19-20).