“We cannot say there are bishops who are on the left and ones that are on the right. This is a false analysis,” said Cardinal Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.
The transport of nonconsenting asylum seekers is a mainstay of U.S. immigration policy, and certain practices of the Department of Homeland Security have been far more destructive than bussing migrants north.
“Wildcat,” the new film by Ethan Hawke about the life of Flannery O’Connor, is not your typical biopic, a fact that seems entirely appropriate since O’Connor is not your typical writer.
Preachers face a delicate balancing act: while crafting homilies to draw young people to the pews, they must also engage the elders, who make up the majority of the congregation. They also deserve homilies that resonate with the particular joys and challenges of their lives.
The synthesis report did not use the term “LGBTQ+” or even “homosexuality” and spoke only generally of issues related to “matters of identity and sexuality.”