“Love,” a new play by Alexander Zeldin, is not a grim report on poverty nor a blistering call for social reform, but simply lets the poor speak their own stories.
The protest was organized by women’s advocates and the family, friends and neighbors of Ana Lizeth Hernández, a 33-year-old woman who died of a gunshot wound to the head in her home on March 19.
The decision “to provide an unanswered activist’s case that abortion is a tool of justice for the marginalized,” Bishop Kevin Rhoades wrote, “is a grave mistake in judgment that creates scandal.”
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi cited the Gospel of Matthew as the motivation for her focus on social justice issues and said that U.S. bishops have focused too narrowly on abortion at the expense of other societal challenges.
In the whale, in whatever trials we might face, God is still there. We can't learn the lesson later; we must learn to know God in the dark when our other helps are removed.
We need a national eucharistic revival. However, after reviewing materials associated with the National Eucharistic Revival, I am not confident that it will accomplish what it sets out to do.
Catholic social teaching has always acknowledged a role for government regulation of the economy. The economy is to promote the common good, not benefit owners and investors alone.