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Women Deacons

There is some historical evidence for the existence of women deacons in the Roman Catholic Church.


Thomas Merton (1915-1968), perhaps Catholicism’s greatest 20th century spiritual writer, captivated a generation with the story of his conversion and journey into monastic life, The Seven-Storey Mountain.

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Pope Francis greets the crowd after celebrating Mass marking the feast of Divine Mercy in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 8.
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, became the first Jesuit Pope when he was elected on March 13, 2013. In the time since his election, Pope Francis has made his mark on the modern church. As David Gibson notes, Pope Francis has called us “to reform ourselves in order to convert others.” From declaring a Year of Mercy, to writing Laudato Si, the encyclical on caring for the environment, Pope Francis is making his mark on the Catholic Church.
 People hold candles during an Interreligious Gathering of Prayer for Peace in Yangon, Myanmar, Oct. 31 (CNS photo/Lynn Bo Bo, EPA).
Pope Francis will be visiting Myanmar and Bangladesh beginning on Monday Nov. 28. He is the first pope to visit Myanmar, a majority Buddhist country of some 55 million people. Under Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and the country’s top civilian leader, Myanmar has been the target of human rights groups who say the country is engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing against some one million Rohingya migrants. How Francis addresses this issue will be closely watched. On Nov. 30, Pope Francis will fly to neighboring Bangladesh. Eighty-seven percent of its 156 million people are Muslim. Christians are a tiny minority of 600,000 believers, 350,000 of whom are Catholic.
A woman holds a booklet with a picture of Father Stanley Rother

An Oklahoma farmer, Stanley Francis Rother, is the first U.S.-born priest to be declared blessed. In Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala, the village Father Rother served for the final 13 years of his life, the people remember and honor a faithful priest, a farmer who plowed the fields alongside them, a

Holy Land

Samuel Gelinas
An internship at America after I graduate college

Cathy sugden
For healing of mind and body and spirit for my dear friend Deb Magathan with pancreatic cancer, and my dear aunt suffering with the malnutrition due to gastric cancer treatments

Stephanie McCaffrey
"For all those experiencing darkness at this time, who feel distant from God, but who are seeking light - that they might feel God's embrace and experience God's unconditional love. Please pray for the soul of Nathaniel Woods, executed last night in Alabama. Pray also for all to see that capital punishment is immoral and for our leaders to recognize and protect the sanctity of all lives. Peace to all on your pilgrimage.ons of JMM HJM JJM MJM NM"

Jim Martin
Pray for Alice Kniewel. My loving grandmother who has passed away in September. Easter season was one of her favorite times of the year, we will miss her this Easter.

Jane Mullany
Intentions of JMM HJM JJM MJM NM

Pray for Alice Kniewel. My loving grandmother who has passed away in September. Easter season was one of her favorite times of the year, we will miss her this Easter.

Maureen Bailey
I just read an article in NCR concerning Guidelines on Catholic schools teaching about gender identity in some archdioceses. I fear the church is about to alienate yet another group of people in those that suffer with issues of gender identity. Please pray for these children of God and their families.

Ruth A Rossi
No jail time for family member. What this person did was not what the charge infers. also for family unity. Not all of us are behind this particular member of the family; I pray that, not condoning what this person has done, but accepting him because he is a child of God. We need prayer in our home

Tani Villamora
Please pray for my family that we will be able to buy our forever home soon because we have been renting for far too long.

Peggy Lee
"Please pray for my husband and 16 year old daughter. My husband went through RCIA years ago but has fallen away from the Church. He no longer accompanies me and my daughter to mass. My daughter is currently going through the Confirmation program at our parish. She will be confirmed this May. I am so excited for her! My specific prayer requests are: -Please pray that, with God's grace, my husband will return to the church. -Please pray that my daughter will be inspired on her spiritual journey and that she will develop a beautiful relationship with God. Thank you so much! Safe travels to all Peggy Lee"

Grzegorz Witek
For my father to win his court case against a former abusive employer.

Dolores Manion
"Healing for Lily, Ian, Annie, Amy, Beth. Return to practice of faith for Amy, Al, Mark For all Parkinson's Disease patients and their caregivers. Thank you "

Alma Risse
Please pray for my sister Lirio healing, she has failing liver function due to an autoimmune disease. Thank you very much.

Please pray for my miracle to come true. Pray for those court documents to be signed and for a fair and happy solution. Pray that my relationship continues to flourish and may Jesus be a part of our foundation.

"Dear Lord, please bless, heal and protect our parish Priest Fr. Bogdan who is not well and still works so hard to build our parish community. Please pray for the parish of St John Fisher in Pretoria who are facing a serious attack from its local municipality. That our Priest may heal and grow stronger and with him, that our Parish may grow stronger together. May our Lord, our Blessed Mother and our Blessed St Joseph hear our prayer and come to our rescue in Pretoria, South Africa. Amen."

Please pray for my sister Leticia that she opens her heart to the divine love and mercy of our Father and receives the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. My daughter and I are keeping you all in our prayers. Thank you.

Mary Giles
Please pray that I will walk again, that my heart and lungs will strengthen, that my entire digestive system will heal and that God will grant me relief from financial burdens I am under.

Sue Mico
My son Nathan to get better

John Gahagan
For the repose of the soul of my son Sean Gahagan.

Kathy Nlether
Please pray for my husband, Jim's, health, anxiety, and delression.

Jeffrey Hermsen
To become a religious, a priest, and serve in the missions. That a friend who is a priest will be able to return to the USA to serve in ministry to Native Americans. For the healing and recovery of a friend fighting addictions.

Kimberly Kennedy
For all the elderly people in our family, for strength, comfort and faith. Thank you

Phyllis Brady
Inner healing for families

Lorretta Prest Fields
Please thank God ahead of time for my desire. Pray for my peace of mind, Good Health, Happiness, and Good Fortune, for with God, all things are possible through Jesus Christ Our Lord through His holy Mother and her most chaste spouse St Joseph. Amen

Nicoletta Galbani
Today our pastor asked us to pray for a little girl Silvia, she is terminally ill with leukemia and he asked to pray for her and her parents to give them support and strength in this difficult moment. Please pray for this family. Thanks

Kathleen Knapp
For the health and well being of my daughter Jen.

Kevin John Smith
My husband George lost his job as a senior executive in retail design over 1.5 years ago and we've been searching and praying for his next opportunity since. Thank you for your prayers for us, that a new job will present itself soon. Gods blessings to all of you on your pilgrimage. Kevin John Smith

"Please pray for God's Holy Will for our two sons and their families and our extended families! Please ask for protection for them and the two children and the cousins. Please give thanks for all of the countless blessings we have all received for so many many years. Please ask Jesus to bless the individual missions he has asked each on of us to do as well! May we all be one in Him! Amen I will pray for many graces and good fruits from this pilgrimage for you all! Blessings! Mary"

I pray for you and all your good works-you inspire me. I also pray for guidance in many life decisions for me and my family. I pray for peace within myself and for the world as a whole.

For my dad, my grandma, and everyone else in my family who has gone before me, that they have been reunited with God and are free from pain and suffering. For my brother, that he find his way. For my new dog, that he learns to trust humans despite being so poorly treated by them in the past. For my mom, that she receive all of the blessings she so tremendously deserves. For an end to Alzheimer's.

Mike N
That the presence of Jesus, so palpable in the Holy Land, may be felt by all of God's pilgrims near and far this Lenten season, and every day.

Marie Stafford
June Casey ( niece) bone cancer. Holy FamilySisters Fremont Cali prayers for all our sick Sisters. Godbless each of you and FrMartin. You are in my book. —Bluenun

Please pray for me. My requests right now are numerous - health, kids, housing, to name a few. I appreciate very much your prayers and in return shall pray for you. Thankyou

Suzanne Eastwood
That my daughter who is expecting her first child and it has been identified as having a gene that could cause real health issues, actually has a healthy baby.

For my mother: that she may find healing for her ongoing inflictions and become stronger, healthier, and happier. And for all those less fortunate than we.

Jean McMurray
"I pray for these blessings and ask that you pray for them as well: That I will accept and follow God's will for me. For my family and friends and for those without family or friends. That I focus on my Lenten journey being transformative. "

Greg Flammer
"Please pray for the soul of Vincent Voerg, and for his wife Diana, daughter Rachel and son Ryan...that the Holy Spirit may bring them peace as they grieve his loss. Please pray for the continued health and healing of Matt Moran and Caroline Fitzpatrick. Please pray for the soul of Mark Croce, and his wife Jessica and sons Dominic and Dante...that the Holy Spirit may bring them peace while they grieve his loss. "

John Ryan
Please pray for my friend John's health.

"For special family intentions. For deceased family members. For the poor, the lonely, the hungry, those struggling with mental health issues, the refugees, the children of the world. For world peace and health."

Ann Letendre
Please pray for peace and healing for my friend and her husband and children as they travel through a journey with metastatic cancer.

For our country, may we find/elect leaders who respect ALL life and to bring unity. Also, that an issue in my life be eased.

John Tomczak
Healing, strength and peace for Kim Branson and his family in Dallas Texas.

Anne Murphy
Please keep all of my family safe and well. Please save our democracy.

Liz Foshage
For peace, strength and blessings for Kacey and Mike Schmitt as they continue to support their family and parents through difficult health issues.

Please keep me in your prayers as I battle lingering effects of loss and depression. May I grow closer to the Lord, since I have pulled away from Him in my times of sorrow.

Katherine Pezo
Please pray for my mother who is ill in hospital with cancer and amyloidosis and that she may recover become healthier once more and that God may take care of her and give her comfort and strength.

I ask for prayers for my family that they all return to your altar and especially for James that he is safe and protected in Iraq for Ellen and Mairead that they both get full time and good jobs soon and healing for Ellen and in thanks for the good gifts given to me and my son robert and his children and for rose and to heal my grandchildren Roisin and Skye physically, spiritually and emotionally. Thank you Lord!

Lord, we believe, we ask, we seek, your 360 degree healing of our lives. Praise Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

For strength, patience and wisdom as I try to care for loved one when it is getting increasingly difficult due to their physical and mental limitations. Not sure how I can keep going.

Please pray for my physical healing. Pray for the safety of my family. May God keep them in the palm of his hands and keep them away from harm. Amen. Blessings on your travels!

Susan Grimes
For my daughter Angela who is celebrating her 50th birthday on Sunday (which is why I couldn't go on this tour!).

Andrea Relucio
For the healing and comfort of Lou Zelie Salanga. For the health and happiness of Edward, Elise, Antonio Relucio and Mark Tiaoqui and his family.

Mary Traill
For good health and to always walk in God's light for myself and family.

Peggy Dillenburg
Please ask God to work a miracle for me and bring my son, Michael, back to his Mom and his church after being estranged for four years. He is only 20 and I have not seen him for so long and we had a beautiful relationship for 15 years before he became embroiled in bitterness encouraged by my ex husband. I love him and am afraid I won’t see him again. God can restore this family.

For Gaspar - healing of cancer. For Ally and Basti - smooth and productive studies abroad. For Cris - continued healing of cancer.

For clarity, purpose and strength during Lent so that I will be able to handle challenges. For guidance to know what to do and confidence to step out in faith.

Please pray for my children, that they return to Jesus in the church. Please pray that I can be the joyful and loving Catholic example for them as well as for others. I pray for their health, safety and happiness as they find their way back to the church.

Carlene Larson
Asking prayers for our 26 y/o grandson Luke, for physical healing and even more for psychological, emotional and spiritual healing for trauma he experienced during his time in the military.

Anne Friedbacher
That I find a job soon that I am happy in, that I will complete my school studies, and that my family members diagnosed with cancer are able to recover.

Roberto Alvarado
Please keep me in your prayers as I'm about to have major back surgery April 1st. Prayers for a full recovery. And also prayers to our world. Thank you

Amy Secrist
That I always do what God has planned for me, that I do what is mine to do. That I be blessed like crazy, have the strength to bear the blessings, that my sphere of influence increases for love of God, and that I not cause pain.

Martha Cusimano
In gratitude for the miracle which I prayed for during our 2018 pilgrimage. We have been blessed in abundance for which I am truly grateful. As you walk in these holy places, please pray for a miracle for the community of St. Rose of Lima in Florida. These times ask us for the courage to believe what Jesus said and act as if we do. Please pray that the hearts and minds of those we need will open to the needs of the least among us and that they will have the humility, courage and faith to support the work. My prayers will surround you every day of this very special retreat.

Alice Ferdinand
For my sister Jeanne who had struggled with metastatic breast cancer for eight years. She is frightened because her chemo has stopped working. She lost her husband to cancer in August. Please remember her in your travels in this holy pace and season.

That my son, Jack, will find his faith again

Thy will be done regarding 2020 Presidential Election in USA

For physical, mental and spiritual healing for self, family and friends. To be a light to others and to be able to see God's light shining through others. Safety and health of all travelers.

My prayers this morning are for your safe and blessed travels. May you all be enriched and return home with renewed hearts and spirits. I ask for two prayers -- first, health, healing, and peace for Conor and Bridget and their boys; second, clarity for our parish, that the path forward may be compassionate, emboldened by Jesus' example, and Spirit-led. Thank you!

Jennifer Tan
Please pray for my daughter Joy who suffers from gender dysphoria. We are a Catholic family seeking to come to terms with this reality but there are so few answers. Please pray for us. Thank you, from Singapore. (Praying that you all will be safe and blessed)

Ritagail B.
"For Christians, especially Catholics, to love each other, so we can be Christ's Light. That my 25 years of being Catholic won't end with me walking out due to the infighting. For Pope Francis, Pope Benedict Emeritus, and future popes. For my sweet aged Grandma Vi in her last days, her loss of sight, that Jesus may soon pleasantly surprise her on the other side of death. That my art will develop and be a blessing to others. Selfishly, that I can do it full-time, and, I still want to paint a chapel, or, at least some kind of way, stations in a peace garden. Finally, in thanksgiving for the gift of a fiddle when nearing age 60, may Jesus grant me the ability to fiddle cheer into the universe until the day i die...maybe beyond! Thanks, and may our Dear Jesus Christ bless the pilgrims and bring peace to His holy land. May He heal us all and grant us peace. Amen. "

Laura Fajardo
For my daughter Katarina Elena who at 25 years old Recently had a pacemaker implanted.

Ellen Jones
For my daughter, Caitlyn, who is not quite 37 weeks pregnant and in the process of having to deliver her baby. I'm worried there is something wrong with the baby and that is why she's preterm.... Please pray for a safe delivery of a healthy baby. Thank you.

Liz Waters
My mother, Peggy, is in the hospital. She is a retired teacher, Professor, who taught generations to read. A mother to eight, grandmother to 18 and great grandmother to 2. A devout catholic who always thought of others, dedicated always to helping others. She worked with the homeless. She still subscribes to America. Please remember her and those who care for her in your prayers.

Health and needs known to Him

Beth Kress, PBVM
"For my only sibling (age 67) Jeanne who struggles with mental health, diabetes and heart failure. Thank you"

John and Clara
During our first year of marriage, we were blessed with the opportunity to participate in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Italian and Spanish Jesuits during the summer of 2018. We ask you to pray for us in the Sea of Galilee, where we had the opportunity of celebrating a special mass with a blessing of our wedding vows. We have recently suffered a miscarriage of our first child, and we would like to ask for your prayers as we move through this difficult time. If you have a moment, please say a pray for us as we seek to find God during this difficult time in our lives.

Mary Katherine Theis
"In thanksgiving for our nephew’s continuing recovery from addiction. For friends Flore, Eileen and Ginger dealing with cancer. For the resolution of a very difficult situation involving my daughter. For all priests and religious. For peace and healing for victims of abuse."

Michael Cenatiempp
Please pray for my cousin, JULIE BENE, who has Lyme Disease. She is a devout, humble and caring person who is severely challenged by this disease.

Heather Kostyzak
Andrea Kostyzak’s health

Laura Frerichs
I am a single mother of two children who are in graduate school. I request prayer that I stay healthy and am able to financially support my family until they get out of school and on their own.

Patricia Hammarth
For my brother George's cancer to go into remission. Thank you. God bless all of you .

Elena Iacobelli
Special intention deep in my heart. Also in Thanksgiving for my family.

Nicole M
For my family, and in thanksgiving for God’s love and mercy.

MJ O’Leary
My dad passed away in June 2019, and it’s been very difficult for me. Please pray that I might find peace, and courage. Thank you.

Laurie Warren
Please pray that my daughter gets a new job. Thank you.

Please pray for me to have clarity and TRULY follow God's will. I'm deciding what to do next year in terms of jobs/careers.

To find a job soon

Sharon Dean
For physical and spiritual healing for all the members of our family.

Janet Cusimano
Please pray for Kate Cusimano who is pregnant with her first baby and for her husband, Stuart. Also for Ryan Cusimano and the entire family.

Maria Bastien
"In thanksgiving, for all our blessings. For my son Chris, for relief from his debilitating, chronic pain. And, for a safe journey for you all."

Please pray for my friend Cathy who is battling lung cancer.

Angela Marshall
"Please pray for healing for the world to be free of the coronavirus. Please pray for the medical professionals assisting and healing power for them. And for finding a vaccine. Lord hear our prayer- Thank you so much! God Bless!"

Laura Shamber
Please pray for our confirmandi and retreat team on Antioch weekend Feb. 28-Mar 1 in the US. We have 57 participants this year :)

Elvia Martínez
"For the small Spanish Speaking Catholic Community of Adelaide, South Australia. May we embrace the changes we face as an opportunity to grow in Christ and not give up. Thank so very much. "

Frances Martin
"Jill’s recovery from Cancer! Watch over Tombie. "

Andrea DeBergalis
...for my son.

Elizabeth T
"fortitude for those looking for work & struggling with unexpected poverty while looking for work. May the Lord protect you on your journey."

John Rumery
I’m in severe pain and facing a 2nd surgery on my hip within 18 months. I am barely able to walk. I’m looking for guidance on making the best decisions for me and my family. Thank you.

Cyndi Kester
Please pray for my daughter Anna who will be confirmed on February 29th. She still has many questions and I ask that the Holy Spirit help her to have an open heart as she begins her adult life in the church. Thank you

Joan Levine
Please pray for my daughter Elizabeth. She is suffering significant mental health issues as well as some physical illnesses. My family is struggling. Please pray for us. Thank you. I will pray for you and all in Holy Land.

"Please pray for my son Thomas for employment and direction. Also for my brother Timmy who is battling stage 4 renal cell cancer Thank you. I will be praying for your pilgrimage. "

For the health of my two grandaughters who are now ill. God have mercy.

I have all I need. I just pray for a more compassionate world.

Nicole D.
Please say a prayer for me, that I will meet my future husband soon, that this long period of waiting will have been fruitful.

"Hello, Pilgrims, I am homeless. My name has risen to the top of the lottery list. If I get the job I interviewed for this week it means I can afford what is known as affordable housing. But, all must align by 6pm the 1st friday of Lent. I have completed the 19th Annotation I will trust Gods will for me. I will pray for all 100 of you. "

Raymond Littlejohn
For God to give my family strength and peace while I battle cancer

Please keep my daughter and 3 young sons in your prayers, to help her find safe housing and an full time job to help her provide for her children, to help her give her sons a stable environment, filled with Gods love and peace. Thank you! With the Lords guidance I have faith, she will find this.

Please pray for my son Michael, and my friends Nancy and Tim.

Joanne Dow
Please pray that after 12 years of higher education and years devoted to her craft, that my daughter would get a job in her chosen field. Thank you

Praying for complete healing from cancer and a new beginning that is ordained by God. Praying for all cancer patients, especially children with cancer. Thank you.

So many. Family, loved ones to return to the Sacraments; for us all to be the children The Father would have us be. For Pope Francis. For all Jesuits, Franciscans and Capuchins. A special prayer request for Medical Missions.

So many. Family, loved ones to return to the Sacraments; for us all to be the children The Father would have us be. For Pope Francis. For all Jesuits, Franciscans and Capuchins. A special prayer request for Medical Missions.

Christine Parisen, MS, LMHC
I’m a mental health counselor and am planning on returning to working in a prison here in FL. . I had left there a couple months ago- for a ‚Äúbetter job‚Äù in ‚Äú the real world‚Äù making more money and shorter commute. But I have been so homesick for my work with the inmates!!! Fr. Jim’ writing along with Thomas Merton’s in vocation have helped me return to what I think is my calling. Please pray for me for courage, clarity in my decision. I want to be a vessel of peace for my patients. I don’t even know what to pray for while I head back to this challenging place- maybe you have some ideas! I am seeking God’s will and guidance. Thank you and God bless you all. Sending lots of love.

"Please pray for my friend’s son Jack, who is struggling with addiction, that he will feel God’s grace as he moves into a sober living home. Please pray for my sister Laura and my friend Braden, that they will feel less alone in the world and know how treasured they are."

Pray for all women in the world!!! Specially for the ones in Mexico, my country. They are getting killed.

Kris Vega
For health - my loved ones and my own.

Matthew Tedrick
Please pray for my wife, son and unborn baby boy. My wife is not catholic, but I hope one day she will be. Pray for her! Pray that our children grow up to love and appreciate our beautiful religion, and that they become children of god! Thank you! Have a wonderful journey!

Rachael Roth
"Please pray for me to have the strength to live positively - not negatively - with my chronic illness and to be able to see the good in all. I also ask for the strength to continue my journey of recovery, wherever that may take me. Thank you."

Beth Fedorick
Please pray for world peace and health. The health of my family. And continued remission of my colon cancer.

Denise Kangas
"Prayers please for my youngest son William to accept our Lord Jesus back into his heart as he has lost his faith.prayers for my husband he will find a very good job with benefits. Prayers for my family and our finances. "

Barbara Matsko
I have a special family request to bring our family even closer together along with gratitude for the many blessings already bestowed on us.

Janelle Fredericksen
Please pray for healing and less suffering for my tia Maggie, tio Bobby and for my cousins who are struggling with illness and mental health issues. May you all be protected with Gods love on your pilgrimage.

For the physical and mental health of myself and my family. I thank you so much for your prayers and I will pray for all of you too.

Susanne Elliott
For my Mom. Ethan “Patty” Fitzsimmons. Stricken with Alzheimers. She has visited the Holy Land and I would appreciate a prayer for her. Thank you.

Elizabeth Greig
For the mental health of my daughter.

Lynn O’Meara
"Please pray that my dad gains peace as he learns to manage heath issues, hospital stays and loss of independence z Please pray that I gain insight as to whether now is the time to retire from my 35 year urban teaching career. Thanks! My prayers for all of you, for your successful spiritual and physical journey ."

For two of my daughters who are job searching, for my married daughter and husband, for my husband who is so good to me, and for my return to better health.

For a friend and neighbor, Kathy, who is not only grieving the loss of her mother but also dealing with stomach cancer.

Beverly Morales
Please pray for the souls of my mom, Beatrice Kissinger, my dad, James Kissinger and my sister, Dorothy Kissinger Larriva. Thank you

"I would like to request a prayer for my parents who helped me through my chemo treatments that I just finished today. Please pray for their health and give them strength. I also would like a prayer to give me strength. I tend to be very impatient now and struggle with stopping it. Thank you! "

For the faith and health of my son. Has been dealing with stage 4 colon cancer for 21/2 years. Also for his family and doctors. He is 28 years old. Thank you

Norma Cronin
Healing for myself and healing for our country.

Roberto Mesa
"Renew the blessings from my trip to the Holy Land in November 2019! For the healing from cancer of Amelia Fernandez and Mr. Goldberg. "

Caitlin Joyce
"For myself I pray to feel and see God's presence in all things and find community with local Catholics. That those who are feeling disconnected with the church have their faith renewed. That my family and friends struggling with health and finance issues feel God's healing touch and experience freedom from financial anxiety. "

Margaret Mishra
I pray for Barbara and Tom Kiernan for a spiritually rich following in the footsteps of Jesus.

Brooke Grow
Please include a prayer for my dear friend Marisa. She is living with terminal cancer. Her sorrow is not for herself but for her family. My prayer is that her husband and two young sons find peace, comfort and happiness in life after her passing.

"For Kevin For my friends Henry and Sue who recently passed away"

Health and healing for Colleen Piatak, Erin Medoff, Daniel Krekoska, Keri Dempsey and a special intention.

For my daughter lennon 2 years old bone marrow healing . She is on a IND chemotherapy and on 28 doses of medication a day. We pray her systemic mastocytosis heals.

My son John.

Brigitte Sweeney
Good mental health for two very dear friends.

Sr. Cecelia J Cavanaugh SSJ
My family needs a miracle in a legal matter. Praying for truth and justice. Thanks so much! Count on my prayer for you.

Linda Myra Lidstone
I have insomnia and am addicted to sleep medications including benzodrines. I am also a food addict.

"That my friend and I can discern God's will and are given the strength to do it. That Jesus walks with us and holds us through this. That the Lord gives us His peace soon, after 4 years of turmoil. Thank you. God bless your pilgrimage."

Nora Thompson
I would like prayers for my daughter and my daughter-in-law who are both expecting babies in August. Please pray for a safe pregnancy and birth of healthy babies. Also please pray I can find a place to live in Richmond Virginia by July 1 when I must move. Thank you so much.

Tracy Stickland
Could you pray for my friend Una McLaughlin please as she has very bad fibromyalgia and is in a lot of pain. She is also now being tested for Alzheimer’s . Thank you.

Ellen White
Please pray for all members of my family who are in need your strength and guidance.

Katie Kouchi
Please pray for healing and good health for myself, my family and my friends. Please pray for the healing of all who suffer in body and spirit. Help me to trust God and his plan for my future. Grant comfort to those who worry or are stressed, help them to know God is always with them. In the lord’s name we pray.

For my health and the health of my family.

Carolyn Capuano HM
"Please pray that my soon to be 98 year old mother have a smooth and pleasant transition to assisted living. And all of you are in my prayers that you have a safe and abundantly blessed time in the Holy Land. With you in spirit with fond memories of my pilgrimage time 3 years ago."

Holly Case
Please pray for my husband Jason Case to beat the odds and have a miraculous recovery from stage IV cancer.

Hector Martinez
Please pray for my marriage so that it can continue flourishing and my family, especially my dad, who is not doing so well. Please pray for Fr. James Martin and all our priests so they can continue to spread the word and love Christ has for all of us.

Sue Farley
To spend this Lent allowing myself to listen to Jesus and find his path for me

Rose Marie
Help us ease the polarization in our church and our country. Help Pope Francis in his pastoral approach and keep him well and safe. Inspire voters in our country to look carefully and honestly at all issues and vote their consciences. Safe travel for Jesuits and all making this pilgrimage.

Kristine Keough
For my daughter and her husband as they discern where God is leading them to the next place they should work to further his kingdom

Bernadette McDonald
For my son to regain his faith.

Susan T.
I pray that Jesus will help my family and neighbors with their health issues. Thank you .

Mary Lou Nygaard
For my 87 year old mother, Elizabeth Segner, who suffers from Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy. She has only been able eat or drink through a feeding tube over the last three years and it is now is effecting her limbs. She is also experiencing memory problems. She lives in her own house alone with her miniature dachshund. She carries her cross with grace, strength and humility, but it is becoming more difficult. I pray that we can continue to be there for my mother as she continues on her journey. In Jesus name we pray!

Marilyn Puchalski
Please pray for Isabella Farina and her mother Diane as Isabella struggles with anxiety and food issues. Love, Gram.

Marilyn Puchalski
Please pray for Isabella Farina and her mother Diane as Isabella struggles with anxiety and food issues. Love, Gram.

Mary Corcoran
I am currently in the middle of the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises. I ask to be open to the call of God in my life to be able to serve in the way that makes the best use of my gifts and talents. I also ask for direction towards my next career opportunity as I am currently unemployed but the primary provider for my family. In gratitude for the prayers on this retreat and my prayers for all those traveling and their intentions.

Tish Lorenzana
Healing from my cancer and all other health issues for me and my husband, Richard. That my brothers Jaime and Gerardo return to God. Love and peace, Tish

Dorothy Bentley
Please pray for health and safety of my family. You

Susan Evans
"Please pray for our country and our Church to move away from narrowness and hateful rhetoric. Please pray for our children and grandchildren to return to Church. Thank you. "

Nancy Kreger-Aills
For family health and for my family to be at peace with the deaths of our sister and father-in-law this past year. I also pray for those on this pilgrimage for their spiritual journey and safety.

"Heal daughter’s MS. Protection & guidance for YA’s & that they find their path. All fam to be open to Jesus in their life. Healing of relationships, especially for Bryce . USA"

For the coronovirus epidemic that it will be curtailed soon, and for all the health caregivers helping those who are ill.

Carol Petersen
Peace and hope for Anne Balicki who is fighting stage 4 melanoma.

Laura Nieto
You are entirely mine, when shall I be all Yours?

"Please pray for the health and well-being of my entire family and that they know the closeness and peace of Our Lord, Jesus. Also for your safe travels and joy. Thank you, Xoxoxoxox Maureen "

Please keep my brother in your prayers; we found out that he is eligible for a kidney transplant. Though he is doing okay with daily dialysis, we had so hoped for the transplant. Also keep the rest of my family in your prayers. Thank you and God bless you all.

Jennifer Hardee
For my son.

Kathy Molinar
Please pray for my college-aged children, Joseph and Julianna, for healing. My daughter has suffered with chronic pain since childhood and we have never been able to find a cure or much in the way of treatment. My son suffers with asthma, depression, and a neurological condition. Many thanks and blessings! I have always wanted to do this for my kids, so thank you for providing this beautiful prayer opportunity. You are all in my heart! May God bless and protect you.

As I prepare to enter my senior year of undergraduate studies, I am asking for prayers for peace and clear-mindedness while discerning my future. Most notably, I am currently discerning a year of service (specifically, where I would like to do one), and graduate studies in Higher Education/Student Affairs Administration.

Kristine Soyangco
"I pray for my family’s financial independence and freedom and success this year and that we can find a good house of our own and move out by June. I lift this up to the Father, in Jesus’ name, through Mary, our Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Thank you so much for praying with me. Safe travels to you and God bless you all! Will be praying for your safety. "

Geraldine McNulty
That all those in my life most in need of God’s mercy be granted it during this Lent and...me too and that all of you pilgrims be awakened to the Bible as you walk the Holy Land

Nicole Medina
"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for wisdom, patience, and work. May God guide me as a mother to be. May he bless my friends and family with fortitude, faith, hope and trust in your holy name. May he guide us as a country to find more healing, peace making, and bride building to have a more united country that serves all. I also pray for the pilgrims on their journey, that it may be a safe one. All things are possible in God alone. We thank the Lord for his sacrifice and goodness. Amen. - Nicole Medina"

Joan D'Arcy Sheridan
Please pray for my granddaughter who has become very anxious and for her father,my son, that he find a good job

Maureen Hurley
For healing and discernment in our family in these months ahead.

"Dear Jame Martin, I'd thank you to pray for my family: some members are ill. We ask for their health but especially for being faithful to God's will. Thank you very much. "

Mary Smith
Pray for my son and his wife to have a happier marriage and family life. Pray for their children to be relieved of anxiety. Pray for my other son to not be overwhelmed with all his responsibilities at this time, including being a new dad and sometimes anxiety. May he and his wife buy a home. Pray for my daughter and her family for improved finances and a return to the Catholic faith. Finally, pray for my husband to have a sound mind and body, free from OCD and memory loss. Pray for me to be a better wife, mother, and grandmother. Pray also for my brother-in-law who has severe OCD which effects his whole family. Thank you.

David Kurtenbach
Please pray for Cole, that he may find meaning in his life, and that God give him strength to find relief from his situation.

Linda bruneau
"Please, I need peace. I had too many horrible things happen in too short of a time. I’m still alive, but barely functioning from emotional stress, And my world is crumbling around me. Please. I need strength. Jesus, please send my Scotty back to me. "

Julie Gabbard
Complete cure for John Gabbard.

Sister Leslie
For healing of my back and my depression; and for healing in our country...the world...Bless you and thanks so much, Leslie, CHS

For 3 children I advocate for in foster care court proceedings. For those that love these children, for the children to feel that love deep in their bones the rest of their lives, for hope, and for wisdom for me as I make recommendations to the court on what is best for them.

My Uncle Mike

Susan Gardner
For Jack (from Havertown, PA), my cousin's 17 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and as a result had to have his left leg amputated from mid-femur. He is about to start 6 months of chemo while at the same time learning to live with the loss of his leg. I pray for his courage, strength, healing and his continued faith in God. Also, for his parents and 4 siblings. Thank you.

Ed Alvendia
"My wife, Agnes, has an opportunity to visit Lourdes with her friend but we are short of money...please pray to Mama Mary and our Lord Jesus to help her get to Lourdes...her friend has cancer and, through her parish, she can go to Lourdes without paying anything....please pray that my wife Agnes can also join her and find a way to finance the trip...she needs about $2,600....thank you kindly. "

Leslie A. Pag√°n
"Please pray that I find a part time job to supplement my pension. "

Ryan Carroll
That I (and my loved ones) may find consolation in God’s love during a time of great hardship and change.

Trudy Harrington Becker
Prayers for safety of our daughter, Trudy Becker, age 25, teaching English in Seoul. Keep her safe from the coronavirus.

Brenna Davis
For ongoing health issues, DACA ruling from the Supreme Court, climate change action, coronavirus victims, and Maureen Gaudiosi’s health.

Patricia G puente
"For family peace and reconciliation, jobs for my unemployed children and Juan D Puente Thank you"

William Garbe
For the work of the Jesuits and Lakota people on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations in South Dakota and for the cause of Nicholas Black Elk, who sought to bring the Good News of Jesus to his people.

Prayers and intercessions for my daughter, Kateri Whitley, and her fiance Michael Nunley as they journey on the path to marriage. They have both fallen away from the church as most other millennials. I pray for their return before their wedding.

Kevin Atkinson
That Jesus will guide me in my ministry as a deacon

"For my son, who got laid off from his job today, that he will find a job he really loves and that brings him peace of mind. For my friend who lost his mother to Breast cancer when he was 7 years old and as he struggles through college, missing her terribly."

Candace Michael
Please dear God keep my family and friends healthy and safe, watch over Lislet and me as we undergo surgery, and help Richard get a permanent position with benefits.

Sue Gensler
For those members of my family who are ill, especially my mother, mother-in-law, husband, daughter, granddaughter, and daughter-in-law, and my good friend.

Candy Cole
For improved health, the courage to care for myself and honor the Christ within me. For the health of my family

"For the complete recovery of Isabel Rios' health. For the conversion of Eduardo Rios. For peace and freedom in Venezuela. For the control of the spread of coronavirus. For the unemployed so they can find a place where they can serve the world with their talents and provide for their families. Thank you!"

Michelle E. Carreon
For physical healing during an ankle injury and for me to have patience with myself as I heal. Prayer for a broken heart by a loved one and to find personal worth and motivation to push forward and do more for my community.

Nancy Bingham
.Father Jim ! Say prayers as I am sick. Took your picture with me after your second talk at LA Congress

Maureen Clark
For my husband who has Aphasia and my brother who is undergoing chemo for Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Healing for my family

dorothy rotolo
That God would heal my grandson of deep depression and anxiety. He is 19 and and not brought up in any faith. Father was close friend of a victim of abuser of Fr. Gaughan in Boston so wouldn't let his two kids practice any religion, Suicide watch is presently in plac

dorothy rotolo
That God would heal my grandson of deep depression and anxiety. He is 19 and and not brought up in any faith. Father was close friend of a victim of abuser of Fr. Gaughan in Boston so wouldn't let his two kids practice any religion, Suicide watch is presently in plac

Donna Carlson
Strength and peace to get through the struggles ahead. 2020 is starting off to be a year of cancer and multiple surgeries. Peace and forgiveness between my family members. Guidance and enlightenment to guide me to a new path of purpose and meaningful life. Peace and kindness for our world. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Maureen Griffin-Doyle
Please pray for the continued spiritual growth and physical health of myself, my family and friends.

Leslie Howe
Please send good men to be husbands to my daughters! Please bless the pilgrims with safety and love! Thank you!

Maureen Griffin-Doyle
Please pray for the recovery of my niece, Sarah Elizabeth Kuhar, from stage 4 ovarian cancer.

Elaine Eckert
Please pray for my 27 year old daughter, Amber, who has been suffering from daily , chronic migraines since May 2019. They are debilitating and she has a little quality of life. Also, please pray for my mother-in-law, Sandy. She is scheduled to undergo a triple bypass surgery on Monday, March 1. She is 81 years old. One last intention, for my friend Janet who has been in stage four, metastatic breast cancer for several years. The treatments have stopped working and the growths are continuing to multiply. Praying for a miracle for her recovery back to perfect health. I will keep you all in my prayers. Safe travels and God bless!

Lynn Muniak
My son’s mental health and that my 2 sons and their families find Christ

Hilary Marvell
"Prayers for Lenten Spiritual Enlightenment Love , Peace and well- being for all Fr David Camilleri’s flock , living and dead at St James Parish in Petts Wood , Kent , England Peace be with you all too "

Joan Ferraccioli
Please pray for the return to our Faith of family members now including Great grandchildren not Baptized.

Kelly McGuirk
"Please pray for my daughter, Samantha. She’s going through a tough time in her life right now. Thank you. Have a wonderful and safe trip! Kelly"

Beth LaCroix
For the repose of the soul of my mother, Kathie, who passed into Eternal Life on 2/6. And for the peace/healing for my family is we mourn her and adjust to a new normal.

Margaret Bolton
Reunification of severed relationships in my family

Rosemarie Degeorge
For my husband Joe’s health

Sister Anne Marie Lom
"Dying Sister in our Congregation. Children with grave health issues. THANK YOU,"

Sister Ellen Moore
"Acceptance. of Cancer treatment and effects for Ellen and Joe Those journeying with Ellen and Joe Those suffering with Dementia and Mental Illness and their loved ones Those suffering with Cancer and their loved ones Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and their benefactors All people who serve as Chaplains and those they minister to in their needs "

"Please remember my husband who has early onset dementia, and for all suffering memory-related issues. Bless your group. Godspeed."

Marcella Beckman
"Dear friend Colleen who has ALS, my sisters Joanne--Alzheimers, Peggy--invalid for 12 years, Gabriel Zullo, 14 year old with bone cancer in his leg. Friends the Matthews family and the Kane and Schrempf families who lost childrenand mother, wife this year. Kieran Matthews and Kathleen Schrempf Kane. "

Rebecca Fulton
"Conversion for William Creighton and Rachel Pean my children. A healing for Marie Tasker who’s suffering from cancer and A healing for Diane Leinheiser who also has cancer. For conversion for my husband John. A healing For Sr. Ann Marie who’s exhausted from all the work she does for the convent. Help me to do more for others. Thank you, God Is Good‚"

Mary Turco
Please pray for my Mother, Eileen Dillon, who is suffering with dementia.

Kimberly Feher
Please pray a blessing over my upcoming marriage in June. That Dave and I will continue to grow in love and that we may be blessed with many years together.

Robin Stretch-Crocker
"I have been a campus minister for the diocese of Colorado Springs for the last 5 1/2 years. I found out yesterday (Ash Wednesday) that my position has been eliminated due the ""budget deficit"" of the diocese. I am heartbroken for myself and my students (especially those who need a safe person to talk with.) I trust that God has other plans for me in which I will use my gifts, but there is also hurt and grieving. Please pray for me and my students during this time of transition. Blessings on your pilgrimage. Robin"

For the repose of the soul of Daryl Lu

Carol Surrao
"Father James, Please pray for my two daughters. Kristen as she's waiting to make her decisions for grad school and Katelyn a high school junior to always experience and recognize the love of Jesus in others and in themselves and for guidance and making decisions that will help them and others. Have a safe trip father! Your faithfully, Carol"

ann flanagan petry
With deep faith, please know this pilgrim is praying for all of you on your journey. Please pray for Joe, his healing and that he will uncover deeper meaning and purpose through getting a job, helping others who are suffering. That God will use his tragedy for miraculous good. <3

hope Gillespie
for Taylor Thorell to heal after surgery

Sister Beverly Palumbo
For all we mercies have promised to pray.....God bless and safe travels safe there safe home.

Zeinab Jaffar
"Hujambo Father James? I humbly request if you are able to pray for me as I am getting baptised this Easter and getting married a week after.I was a Muslim but I will be Catholic this April.I found Jesus and I have never looked back.I am also scared as this is a big change for me. I would appreciate your prayers Father. Asante sana rafiki Wangu "

Joanne Coen
For guidance in move to another state and for son’s return to a church community.

Jim Nolan
Please pray for healing for Frank Natale

Please pray for the people of the US, that we will choose the person for president who will lead us back to the true ideals of our country.

Joanne Gross, OSU
For the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, as they enter their Chapter, beginning March 4 and through March 10. For the grace to set visionary directions and to elect wise women to leadership.

Rachel Voiland
Personal health issues and those of family members and friends. I shall re-read JESUS: A PILGRIMAGE to be more closely united with all of you. Thank you!

Rosie Woods
"For healing in mind and body. For renewed/resurrected faith and trust in the Lord. To be freed from fear and anxiety and empowered to serve in that Spirit of freedom. For all pilgrims' intentions"

Jeannie Seifarth
My sons are twins, Brett and Eric Seifarth. They had a falling out over texts and harsh words were said. They are 36 years old and won't speak to one another. This feud breaks my heart. Please pray that they come back together and forgive one another.

Cindy Blankenau
Please pray for my parents, my dad’s health is poor and my mom takes care of him. Please pray for my marriage because it is falling apart and I need the strength to endure.

"Healing of Will & Jaime’s marriage Mike ‚Äîfind a job Jake- fins a career Rocci & Izzy- safety in middle school Mia- Health Pip-character strength Mo-peace Lisa-discernment in choosing college Pey & Anthony- success in college KT peace Gina & Scott peace"

Paul R Day
"Please pray that my multiple myeloma remains in a ""smoldering"" state and make me worthy of such blessing. Thank you"

Roni Murray
Please dear God heal me of my addictions.

Jeannie Seifarth
My brother, Michael, passed away in August 2019. Please remember his wife, Beth, and children, Michael and Molly.

Mary Borba
Spiritual, emotional, and physical healing for Joseph and Antonia and children. That they may realize without God, they may not heal.

Marian Egan
I was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in June 2019. Please pray for me and my family for continued strength for all of us. As much as I ask for healing for myself I ask for peace for my children and grandchildren as they struggle with my illness as much as I do

Andrew N Joseph
I recently found out my position at the school district I work at will be eliminated next year. Please pray for me to find new employment, and grant me peace and clarity during my search. Thank you.

Fran zeller
our Sons Brian and patrick, their children for peace on their lives and to grow in faith. Thank you.

Linda Boire
For Joanne D. and her son, Shea. I pray that they would both be healed of their depression and that Joanne would find the right job.

Cathy G
Pray for my family and especially my sons that they may find peace and forgiveness towards each other so they can live a life without anger and resentment and that we can share things together as one family and not fragmented parts of a family.

For the conversion of my three children, Paola, Jesus, and Gabriel, and for me to be healthy and do a job that allows me to share my faith and open hearts to Jesus love, forgiveness, and Divine Mercy. A job that allows me to take financial care of my children and my mom, whose health is declining. Please, pray for Mary's intercession. Thank you and God bless.

Carol Young
Please pray for all my children and grandchildren and especially for my daughter Katie’s health. Thank you.

Mary novotny
Please pray for my daughter Annie, who suffers from serious depression. Also, if you could pray for my 95-year-old mom that she would have a happy death, When her time comes.

Kelly AnnMaloney-Girardi
"For the healing of Kailey, a 16 year old girl who is suffering with mental illness. May God keep her safe in his loving arms and bring comfort to her frantic parents. Thank you. "

Kathleen Gillespie
Harmony in our family.

Sue Olenski
"I need some insight and healing about a recent experience. Please pray for this. And I'm returning to your touching book this Lent, Fr. Martin. It feeds my faith like nothing else. "

Patty McDonald
For the pilgrims on your journey, for it to be spiritually renewing and safe throughout until you are home once more and for the conversion of my children , grandchildren, family and friends. God bless you and thank you.

Susan Caron
For health for my family , husband and me . Thank you Father . God Bless your journey.

Anissa V Rivera
For the health and happiness of my family: my husband Jobie and children Joseph, Sandro and Alicia. For my intentions, to get on a more secure financial footing immediately and completely. Thank you!

Adria Gallup-Black, Ph.D.
Hi! I lost my full time job in 2018, and I desperately need one. I'm scared that I'll never find anything -- no one wants an over 50, over qualified statistician with a doctorate. Please pray for me. And of course I will pray for you and your safe return!

Cathy Klug
Prayers that me and my family are kept safe physically, financially, emotionally and employment wise, especially my current position. Prayers of Thanksgiving for always hearing and answering my prayers. Amen

Pat Reaman
Please pray for my sister and her family for the many conflicts between children and grandchildren

Agnes A. Jamoralin
Please pray for all the sick especially for my father, uncle Nilo, uncle Fr. Max Abalos, SVD,me and my grand daughter Ellie. World peace, change of leadership in our country and many countries with narcissistic, terrible presidents. Vaccine and cure for the corona virus, financial relief. Praying for you and all the pilgrims on the journey to holy land.

Marguerite and Jack Walsh
Prayers of joy and thanksgiving for our new grandson Jack, born January 7. Jack’s mom and dad, Emily and Chris, made this pilgrimage with us in 2018. Please pray for God’s blessing on this new family.

Marian Lynch
Please pray for my children grandchildren especially for my son Peter Og my brother and sisters who are no talking over will my friends and for the many grace that I have receive also my own heath many thanks

Jo-Anne Mullen
"Please pray that my husband, who has been on the kidney transplant list for almost four years, soon receives the call that a kidney is available for transplant and that it is successful. Thank you so very much!"

Phyllis Ouelkette
That I receive clarity and connection with my new family.

Jane Deely
For my children to return to the Church.

Beth Pahnke
Please pray for the health of Matthew Gumbel and his ongoing battle with cancer. Please pray for The health of Steven Balasia And his ongoing battle with health issues. Please pray for Donna Balasia as she is sole caregiver to her husband.

Andhika Rahardyanto
"1. May God granted me to get job 2. May God granted me to have a wife and raised a family with her"

Mary Grisaffi
Please pray for my family and all their individual needs. Also pray for Daniel Garcia. Thank you.

For the continued heath of my parents, sisters, brother in laws and nieces

Paige Olmo
"I pray for a safe an impactful journey for you and others on this journey. I would like to request prayers for my healing. I was diagnosed a year ago with metastatic breast cancer. I am doing well. Please pray for complete healing as I believe God heals. In his name, Paige "

Margaret Seleski
That my brother is able to find employment soon.

Jill Mastrogiacomo
"My husband and I have been trying to have children for over 5 years and are struggling to conceive with unexplained infertility. Could you please say a prayer for me and ask God to give me hope nd courage during this journey and to hopefully receive my miracle of a healthy baby. Best wishes and blessings to you and all of the pilgrims on this journey! Thank you for opening your hearts to allow our prayers to be heard in the Holy Land."

Sister Ann C. Boland
For young Catechumens D'Jonsa, John, and Wellsley are the continue their journey to the Easter Sacraments and their families...and return to pep after bronchial virus for an old nun walking with them!!

Drew Dickson
That our family be blessed with good health and new life.

Diane Angelucci
"Prayers for the Angelucci and Donofrio families, Rosemary Serock and family, Betty Swift and family, and all of the residents of Shady Lane Nursing Home. Thank you so much, and prayers for a safe journey!"

Abigail Ceynar
"Please pray for social justice and peace, and for refugees everywhere to be accepted and nurtured in their new environments. Thank you and safe travels!"

Aubrey D’Silva
"1. Good Health for my Brother my Sister and myself and safety in our travels this year. 2. For all affected by the Coronavirus, for their healing and full recovery. 3. For a quick resolution of the Coronavirus situation around the world "

Barbara Stalter
"The health,safety, and happiness of my children Patrick, Samantha, and Alexandra. Thank you, and God’s blessings for peace and safety and your group as you all embark on this spiritual journey. "

Sylvia Khoo
"Please pray for my family, especially for my daughter Maria and me. That we may continue to have good health and be guided by the Holy Spirit in all that we do. Please also pray for discernment in my spiritual life. Thank you and safe travels."

Mia Walsh
Please pray for me and my husband as we are expecting our first baby on March 11th. Please pray that I have a safe labour and delivery and a healthy baby. Thank you. Amen.

Shirley Nokes
For my children and grandchildren.

Please pray that my husband Jeff find and accept Gods deep love, compassion and forgiveness and turn away from the temptation of his addiction. May God bring Jeff home to his family with hope for new life in Christ. +Amen

"Peace and personal growth. Health and love for family. Our country. Anxiety relief. Thank you!"

Kim Siegel
For Maryann, Joe, and Amy Cloonan, and the souls of their late husband, brother, and father, Joseph and John, as they spend a second Easter separated.

Cathy Lavin
"Please pray for my son and his family. His 16 year-old stepdaughter has a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. There is much tension in the family as they struggle with this and other issues. I am with you in spirit and prayer. My pilgrimage two years ago changed me in profound ways. "

Jeanne Branch
For smooth recoveries from knee replacements as I prepare to lead a parish pilgrimage to the Holy Land in November

For Thomas

Mental health

Victor E Carnevale
I pray that brother Greg & Diane Carnevale a safe trip in Holy Land 2020

James Cappabianca
Please pray for the safety of all pilgrims on this journey of faith!

Pope Francis greets the crowd before celebrating a Divine Liturgy and the beatification of seven martyred bishops of the Eastern-rite Romanian Catholic Church at Liberty Field in Blaj, Romania, June 2, 2019. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
In late May and early June 2019, Pope Francis visited Romania, the largest of the Balkan states and a predominantly Orthodox country.