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In the year following Dobbs, accurate reporting on any story even remotely tangential to abortion is not to be expected.
Greta Gerwig stars in a scene from the movie "Frances Ha." (CNS photo/IFC Films)
“Frances Ha” allows us to see Frances the way God might see her. We see her flaws, but we also see how hard she’s trying.
shallow focus photography of car
A Reflection for Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time, by James T. Keane
Muslims in eastern Pakistan went on a rampage Wednesday over allegations that a Christian man had desecrated the Quran, demolishing the man’s house, burning churches and damaging several other homes.
James Martin, S.J.
The newest book by James Martin, S.J., inspires us to ask: Do you believe that Jesus can give you new life?
Sarah Vincent
in 'Fireworks Every Night,' the debut novel by Beth Raymer, is an ode to Florida—to the rattlesnakes, the humid heat and the Palm Beach pretensions of those who out of necessity live a life apart from that glitz and glamor.
Richard Lischer
Jonathan Eig’s new biography, 'King: A Life,' is the first major biography of Martin Luther King Jr. in decades and will take its place among the foremost of the many treatments of King.
Siobhan Heekin-Canedy
Henri Nouwen’s observations in 'Ukraine Diary' are even more relevant today than they were at the time of his writing, offering valuable insight into the ongoing tragedy of the war in Ukraine.
Timothy Michael Dolan
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan reviews Msgr. Thomas Shelley's 'John Tracy Ellis: An American Catholic Reformer,' calling it "a well-documented yet very readable biography of the 'dean' of American Catholic history."
A scene from the film Dead Poets Society of students outside in gym gear carrying their professor, played by Robin Williams
Mr. Keating and his real-life counterparts now dominate secondary and post secondary education. That’s a problem.