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Two students with Down syndrome pictured in Catholic school uniforms
Our parish school has decided that welcoming children with significant disabilities is an important part of its Catholic identity and a big part of forming all children to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Vatican announced the creation of 10 study groups to focus on themes that arose at last October’s Synod on Synodality, an announcement that prompted mixed reactions: Are the groups “kicking the can down the road” or opening a “new horizon”?
Francis has offered an example to follow in his public rapprochement with Javier Milei, the Argentine president who has repeatedly and caustically criticized the pope. They met at the Vatican on Feb. 12, 2024. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
Do the divisions of politics occupy our focus more than the unity of Christ’s kingdom? This would be a great tragedy for all those who hear and make their own Christ’s desire that all be one.
In his cycle of catechesis on virtues, Pope Francis focused his general audience on prudence, stating that “In a world dominated by appearances, by superficial thoughts, by the triviality of both good and bad, the ancient lesson of prudence deserves to be revived.”
Pope Francis has not accepted an invitation to travel to Moscow in June to meet with Vladimir Putin, the director of the Holy See press office said.
A Reflection for Saturday in the Octave of Easter, by Christine Lenahan
A Reflection for Tuesday in the Octave of Easter, by J.D. Long García
Opening Day is a reminder that there are, to quote Bill Veeck, only two seasons: winter and baseball.
From 1957: Los Angeles is a large city. In some ways it is an important city. But it is not (yet) a great city.
The Vatican recently concluded its “trial of the century,” highlighting violations of basic defense rights and rule of law norms that they warn could have consequences for the Holy See going forward.