Third Sunday in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2024-01-21Word app related contentRepenting from Shallowness of SpiritVocations are an open-ended promiseDo you know your purpose in life? Scripture can help you discern. Imitate Me
Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2024-01-19Word app related contentStop being a fan of Jesus. Be his teammate instead.Jesus doesn’t call us all to be apostles. Thank God.
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn ChildrenCalendar Date2024-01-22Word app related contentOur divisions over abortion are deeper than ever. Our response should be faithfulness and mercy.50 years after Roe v. Wade, let’s remember that mercy is God’s mission
Saturday of the Second Week in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2024-01-20Word app related contentFinding balance between comfort and sufferingMental health in the Gospels
Tuesday of the Third Week in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2024-01-23Word app related contentThe gift of having a big familyJesus calls us to the fellowship of family
Memorial of Saint Francis de SalesCalendar Date2024-01-24Word app related contentTrusting that the message of mercy will always bear fruitSt. Francis de Sales and the holiness of being present