Thursday of the Fifth Week of LentCalendar Date2024-03-21Word app related contentPlease wear red to my funeral
Saturday of the Fifth Week of LentCalendar Date2024-03-23Word app related contentComing back when we stray from the path
Friday of the Fifth Week of LentCalendar Date2024-03-22Word app related contentThis Lent, put in the work
Monday of the Fifth Week of LentCalendar Date2024-03-18Word app related contentWe are more than the worst thing we’ve ever done
Solemnity of St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin MaryCalendar Date2024-03-19Word app related contentThe anxiety St. Joseph shares with all parents
Wednesday of the Second Week of LentCalendar Date2024-02-28Word app related contentJust a Mother? Recovering the unsung life of Zebedee’s wifeUse this time of Lent to reorient yourself towards serving others