Pope Francis has called for Catholics to support principles of “total sustainability.” A meat industry that warms the planet, ravages forests and fouls our water is incompatible with those principles.
Watch as Jesus calls Levi the tax collector and they share a meal together, while the Pharisees and scribes ridicule Jesus for his embrace of outcasts.
The Vatican on Saturday expressed “surprise and pain” at Nicaragua's expulsion of the papal nuncio, which comes at a time of growing pressure on opposition figures in the Central American nation.
"Dear brothers and sisters, may our holy father Ignatius help us to preserve discernment, our precious legacy, as an ever timely treasure to be poured out on the Church and on the world."
On the 17th day of the war in Ukraine, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican secretary of state, repeated Pope Francis’ call for “an immediate ceasefire” in Ukraine.