Jim Forest, who died on Jan. 13, was a lifelong peace activist and the author of numerous books, including biographies of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
A broad debate has erupted in Germany after former Pope Benedict XVI corrected a central statement he made on the Munich abuse report presented last week.
Vladimir Putin‘s aggression against Ukraine fails just war theory, but the ethicist John Davenport writes that NATO forces are morally justified in responding with proportionate military action.
St. Paul does not ask us to spend some of every day in prayer. No, he asks us to pray day and night, in joy and in sorrow, at work and at play, without intermission or breaks.
Thich Nhat Hanh, who died on Jan. 21, had a profound influence on Thomas Merton, who said, “I have far more in common with Nhat Hanh than I have with many Americans, and I do not hesitate to say it.”
President Bukele enjoys strong popularity at home and in neighboring Central American countries, but his government faces accusations of authoritarianism and corruption.
More than 120 employees of the Catholic Church in Germany publicly outed themselves as queer on Monday, saying they want to “live openly without fear” in the church and pushing for it to allow the blessing of same-sex couples.
Retired Pope Benedict XVI said he was present at a 1980 meeting to discuss the transfer of a priest accused of misconduct, amending an earlier statement in which he said that he was not in attendance.