
Michael A. Vaccari is a practicing attorney and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law.
Arts & CultureBooks
Peter S. Canellos provides us with a fascinating biography of a Supreme Court judge who was the sole dissenter in both the Civil Rights Cases (1883) and in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), in which the court held that the Constitution established the separate-but-equal doctrine.
Arts & CultureBooks
Our first four presidents—George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison—were influenced by the Enlightenment, but even more so by the classical Greeks and Romans.
Arts & CultureBooks
In his new book, Melvin Urofsky, an emeritus professor of history at Virginia Commonwealth University and the author of numerous books, details the critical issues around affirmative action in the United States.
Arts & CultureBooks
Eric Foner’s new book tells a sad story: how the U.S. Supreme Court, many Southern states and Congress delayed the implementation of three important constitutional amendments for nearly a century.
Arts & CultureBooks
Edith Hall’s new book on Aristotle rewards the reader by offering gems from Aristotle’s thought. She puts together complicated concepts and writings in a form where readers can easily identify subjects that are critical to an individual’s opportunity to find happiness.