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The documentary, based on Francis’ 2018 book “Sharing the Wisdom of Time,” addresses fundamental lessons to be learned through the experiences of the elderly: love, dreams, struggle and work.
Pope Francis has dismissed from the priesthood Robert McWilliams, a Cleveland man who is serving a life sentence in prison for sexually exploiting children.
Tony Annett says Catholic social teaching offers “a middle road people can agree on between the twin rocks of shipwreck, communism and libertarianism” (photo: AP/CNS/America).
I spent the past year writing about the economy through the lens of Catholic social teaching. Here’s what I learned.
The South African human rights campaigner and Anglican clergyman was known throughout the world for his human rights accomplishments. But above all, he was a committed priest and person of deep prayer.
The new policy instructs priests who currently celebrate a form of the Mass, sometimes called the Latin Mass or Tridentine Mass, which was supplanted with the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, to request permission from the archbishop if they wish to continue using the extraordinary form.
In his letter to families, like in “Amoris Laetitia,” Pope Francis paid tribute to the strength and tenacity of couples as they face real difficulties together on the journey of life.
Can we allow this truth, this person named Jesus—this God for whom love alone is credible—to truly possess our hearts in the year ahead?
“The Word became flesh in order to dialogue with us,” he insisted. “God does not desire to carry on a monologue, but a dialogue. For God himself—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—is dialogue, an eternal and infinite communion of love and life.”
This is what we should ask Jesus for at Christmas: the grace of littleness.
Danger, death, disbelief appears everywhere. We shall not be overcome.