Kavanagh’s poem looks to Advent for a sort of poetic and spiritual rebirth, a chance to reacquaint ourselves with the “newness that was in every stale thing.”
It was Pope Francis who suggested that this was the moment for the continent to revive the vision of Aparecida—only this time in a synodal way, with the people of God as the protagonist.
The thin body of evidence on the true health risks of bringing the chalice back to Mass should lead to humility rather than overconfidence. We must be open to changing behaviors based on new knowledge.
The high court ruling came a day after a state court judge in Texas ruled that the controversial “heartbeat law” is unconstitutional, yet left the law in place.
The Christmas tree and Nativity crèche should evoke the joy and the peace of God’s love and not the selfish indulgence of consumerism and indifference, Pope Francis said.
Michael Rozier, S.J., said that the archbishop’s claim that his “good” immune system exempts him from needing a vaccine is simply out of touch with science.