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Today, Pope Francis prayed “for all those who suffer” and said he hoped that “paths of peace” may be found for the conflict in the Middle East.
“Let us ask Saints Cyril and Methodius, apostles of the Slavs, that we may be instruments of ‘freedom in charity’ for others,” Pope Francis said at today’s general audience.
Cardinal Seán O’Malley of Boston is urging local Catholics to contribute resources for migrants arriving in Massachusetts, calling the situation a "major humanitarian and societal crisis."
Throughout past two decades, America's editors have repeatedly called on political leaders to envision a future in which Israelis and Palestinians can flourish side by side.
It will not be enough to read any document that comes from the synod; Catholics must experience the synod, must do synod. The best place to do this is in your parish.
The Synod of Pistoia held in the church of S. Benedetto, Pistoia, 1786 (Wikimedia Commons)
The ghost of Pistoia is by now quite experienced at haunting Catholic memories.
President Joe Biden and Pope Francis spoke by phone Oct. 22 to discuss the conflict in Israel and Gaza and facilitating a path to “durable peace” in the region.
Pope Francis again called for a stop to the fighting in Israel and Palestine, as he appealed to both sides: “Brothers, stop! Stop!”
In this bonus episode of “Inside the Vatican,” host Colleen Dulle interviews Inés San Martín, the former Rome bureau chief of Crux and current vice president of marketing and communications at the Vatican's U.S. missionary fundraising organ.
Matias Abate holds an Argentine version of a MAGA hat he wore to a rally for libertarian presidential candidate Javier Milei in suburban Buenos Aires. Abate, an unemployed metal worker, plans to vote for Milei as a protest against the political class. Photo by David Agren.
Argentina's leader presidential candidate Javier Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist, has derided Pope Francis as “a malignant presence on earth,” denounced him as a “filthy leftist” and charged that the pope had “an affinity for murderous communists.”