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U.S. Senator J. D. Vance speaks at the 2023 Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Fla. (Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons)
J.D. Vance’s economic populist streak, combined with his pro-life views and support for religious liberty, could offer an alternative to the two major political parties.
Joe Hoover, S.J.
Naomi Klein's new book serves as a kind of sociopolitical post-mortem of the Covid era, in which our social divisions and paranoias only grew more strident. It is also tragically timely.
Pope Francis joins others in holding a banner during an audience at the Vatican June 5, 2023, with the organizers of the Green & Blue Festival. The banner calls for financing a "loss and damage" fund that was agreed upon at the COP27 U.N. climate conference in 2022. The fund would seek to provide financial assistance to nations most vulnerable and impacted by the effects of climate change. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
With COP28 in the United Arab Emirates imminent, opinion in the developed world on climate change has become deeply polarized. Perhaps exhausted by the digital news cycle, many people have developed compassion fatigue.
Pro-lifers need to seriously consider what defeats at the ballot box mean—and ask themselves why recent legal successes have not translated into democratic successes.
Senator Joe Manchin, who announced last week he would not run for re-election, blocked efforts to fight climate change and child poverty. That doesn’t make him a ‘centrist.’
As voters in the United States approach another presidential election, how can this synodal experience inform the ways that U.S. Catholics engage in political conversation?
Young migrants who crossed into the U.S. from Mexico sit on the ground in Eagle Pass, Tex. The photo also shows a Border Patrol agent checking the papers of an adult migrant, but the heads of both are out of the frame. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
The transport of nonconsenting asylum seekers is a mainstay of U.S. immigration policy, and certain practices of the Department of Homeland Security have been far more destructive than bussing migrants north.
Throughout past two decades, America's editors have repeatedly called on political leaders to envision a future in which Israelis and Palestinians can flourish side by side.
The Synod of Pistoia held in the church of S. Benedetto, Pistoia, 1786 (Wikimedia Commons)
The ghost of Pistoia is by now quite experienced at haunting Catholic memories.
Matias Abate holds an Argentine version of a MAGA hat he wore to a rally for libertarian presidential candidate Javier Milei in suburban Buenos Aires. Abate, an unemployed metal worker, plans to vote for Milei as a protest against the political class. Photo by David Agren.
Argentina's leader presidential candidate Javier Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist, has derided Pope Francis as “a malignant presence on earth,” denounced him as a “filthy leftist” and charged that the pope had “an affinity for murderous communists.”