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Since this synod was announced in 2021, I have worked with the Seattle chancery as a synod volunteer and responded to the call for dialogue by personally talking with 100 people who were baptized and are now non-practicing.
“I am writing a second part to Laudato Si’ to update it on current problems,” Pope Francis told the lawyers Aug. 21 during a meeting in the library of the Apostolic Palace.
A Reflection for the Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope, by Tim Reidy
Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki commented, “To some, the consumption of pornography may seem harmless. But I agree with Pope Francis, who condemns it and warns of its dangers, especially the violation of human dignity.”
Pope Francis’ clash with the vicar of Rome says a lot about his approach to reform.
In the year following Dobbs, accurate reporting on any story even remotely tangential to abortion is not to be expected.
Timothy Michael Dolan
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan reviews Msgr. Thomas Shelley's 'John Tracy Ellis: An American Catholic Reformer,' calling it "a well-documented yet very readable biography of the 'dean' of American Catholic history."
Gustavo Gutiérrez’s 'A Theology of Liberation' was first published in English 50 years ago. That first edition served as a primary introduction to a new way of doing theology and becoming church with the poor and insignificant.
The Holy Spirit’s work in the world is to orient and nurture creation continually toward the God of life and beauty.