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In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Apart from his fondness for haikus and his giggle-inducing name it s hard to think of anything interesting to say about Herman Van Rompuy the first president of the European Council In fact the whole point of the Belgian s election was the avoidance of color and interest they were looking for
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope in talks to heal rift is the tenor of most news reports on their 20-minute meeting today A nbsp Vatican communiqu eacute described the encounter as cordial when isn t it they discussed the challenges facing all Christian communities at the beginning of t
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Here s a flow-chart for Church of England priests considering whether to accept the Pope s offer of a post-Anglican sanctuary within the Catholic Church courtesy of the Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley cyber-coenobites apparently -- h t Andrew Brown at the Guardian
In All Things
Our newest editor is Kerry Weber a talented young woman well young to me who had previously worked at Catholic Digest We re delighted to have her and I m even more delighted that she s a great writer and reviewer as well who has submitted this review of the new Wes Anderson film Fantastic M
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
A 4 700 word gauntlet has been thrown down before what I guess is perceived as America s liberal-secular triumphalism apparently made real to social conservative imagination by the Obama ascendancy via the Manhattan Declaration which issues a clarion call to Christians to adhere to their convi
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Here s the story from the London nbsp Times online A Vatican scholar claims to have deciphered the death certificate imprinted on the Shroud of Turin or Holy Shroud a linen cloth revered by Christians and held by many to bear the image of the crucified Jesus Dr Barbara Frale a researcher in t