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Arts & CultureBooks
Elizabeth Grace Matthew
Reality is messier than than fiction that reduces historical figures like Hillary Clinton to the sum of her most oversimplified virtues and vices.
Arts & CultureBooks
Eve Tushnet
For Liane de Pougy life was a banquet, and she took seconds of every dish.
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert Rubsam
Jean Giono's narrators are often grounded in a kind of eternal present, where the coach will always run and a certain tree will always stand, moving us by degrees into the uneasy past of narrative.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jon M. Sweeney
Few artists in history have found as many devotees as Richard Wagner, for better or for worse.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mary Doyle Roche
Published in 2002, ‘Year of Wonders’ is set in a 17th-century English plague town.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ron Marasco
Terry Eagleton's new book on tragedy can be a difficult read.