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In Solid Seasons, Jeffrey S. Cramer explores the deep friendship between the two literary titans.
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Jenny Shank
The horrors of abuse remain offstage, barely spoken of, yet the entire book is haunted by them.
Arts & CultureBooks
Vivian Cabrera
Green’s novel gives a firsthand account of what it is like when a person becomes a brand, when one’s every thought, word and move is scripted, scheduled and scrutinized, ready to be devoured by an audience always demanding more.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jonathan Malesic
In her new book, Meghan Daum recounts how, despite her unimpeachable feminist and liberal commitments, she came to feel not just wrong, but alienated from a new generation of “extremely online” activists.
Arts & CultureBooks
Bill McCormick, S.J.
Seeing Pope Francis as spiritual director means seeing that the pope takes himself less seriously than do his critics and defenders.
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Liam Callanan
Can poetry matter? Yes. Can the Catholic writer today matter? Of course. But it is instructive that Gioia’s essay and book title does not ask the latter question.