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Arts & CultureBooks
Robert P. Imbelli
What a debt of gratitude all students of theology owe Gerald O 8217 Collins In book after book he has shown himself a sure guide to the most fundamental issues of theology His works on the resurrection on Christology and on the Trinity combine deep knowledge of the tradition with extensive and i
Arts & CultureBooks
Tom Deignan
Late in Joseph O 8217 Connor 8217 s sprawling dazzling new novel Redemption Falls an elderly Columbia University professor watches a procession of aged Civil War veterans march down New York 8217 s Fifth Avenue seven decades after the War Between the States For all the rich history gathered d
Arts & CultureBooks
Carol Nackenoff
With books and documentary films on environmental degradation appearing at a fast pace what particular niche does Taking Action Saving Lives designed to reach a broad audience fill Shrader-Frechette O 8217 Neill Family Professor of Philosophy and professor of biological sciences at the Univer
Arts & CultureBooks
Sally Cunneen
As its title suggests The Florist 8217 s Daughter the fifth memoir by Patricia Hampl centers on her own life In her earlier books personal revelations were filtered through experiences of Prague Assisi and the paintings of Matisse But this is hardly a tell-all autobiography Hampl is seeking
Arts & CultureBooks
John A. Coleman
This book is sure to garner much attention from professional sociologists of religion and probably historians of the Second Vatican Council as well In fact a blue-ribbon panel already responded and critiqued Melissa Wilde rsquo s volume at the annual meeting of the Association for the Sociology
Arts & CultureBooks
Denise Lardner Carmody
The aim of this book is to rephrase Christian doctrine in nonstandard ways with the hope that these variants will either hit the target or if wayward illuminate how traditional language really works and why it is most appropriate The author is George Dennis OBrien emeritus president of the Univ