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The Word
We usually associate John the Baptist with the Advent season But here in early summer we encounter John once more in order to celebrate his birth on June 24 So important is this solemnity that today it replaces the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time The New Testament does not supply precise informa
The Word
Summer is a good time to travel Many of us interrupt the normal flow of life and go elsewhere for a while Travel allows us to meet different people and see different things and we often come away refreshed and renewed At least that is what we hope Today we begin a journey with Jesus and his di
The Word
One of the great themes in Luke rsquo s Gospel is forgiveness of sins As we return this Sunday to the Lectionary readings for Ordinary Time today rsquo s texts place before us three forgiven sinners David Paul and a ldquo sinful woman rdquo These three figures remind us of the horror of sin
The Word
During the Easter season a major concern in the Sunday Scripture readings was how the movement begun by the earthly Jesus might continue after his death resurrection and ascension These readings showed that we can have a personal relationship with the glorious risen Christ From that relationship
The Word
Two of the most important words in any language that I know are truth and love As we observe Trinity Sunday and reflect on the Christian doctrine of God as three persons in one God the Scripture readings also remind us that the God of the Christian Bible mdash Father Son and Holy Spirit mdash is
The Word
The Greek word for Pentecost literally means ldquo fifty rdquo In the Jewish calendar Pentecost or Weeks takes place 50 days after Passover In the Christian calendar it occurs 50 days after Easter Pentecost marks the end and the goal of the Easter season It celebrates the coming of the Holy