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The Word
John R. Donahue
While last Sunday rsquo s readings sounded sober warnings today rsquo s readings celebrate the saving deeds of God The reading from Isaiah opens with one of the most frequent biblical commands Fear not and then looks to the divine deliverance from exile when the blind deaf lame and the speechl
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
Even the most profound revelation of Jesus, that he is God’s wisdom for humanity and that all who eat his flesh and drink his blood will have fullness of life, does not take away the mystery of human freedom.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
The symphony of the bread of life discourse reaches a crescendo with startling hopes and startling claims.
The Word
John R. Donahue
This Sunday repeats the Gospel for the Second Sunday of Lent Am 3 11 while the first two readings are selected for the feast Though celebrated from the fifth century in the Eastern church the Transfiguration was introduced into the Western calendar only in 1457 to celebrate the victory over t
The Word
John R. Donahue
The Gospel plunges us directly into the middle of the bread of life discourse which despite its seeming complexity develops two major themes People will attain eternal life by coming to Jesus and being in union with him this coming and living in union flow from God rsquo s gracious initiative m
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
Throughout church history, pastoring (shepherding) has been a prime image for leadership and care, and today pastoral ministry includes not only those named or ordained as pastors but many who follow different calls to serve and lead others.