The Jewish Annotated New Testament should leave a mark on all Christian preaching.
FaithFaith and Reason
Pastoral theology and practice in Paul's letters
Communicating God's presence through preaching and proclamation
Three Gospel stories for Lent and Easter
The Good Word
The pillars of the Jerusalem church are continuing their investigation of the teaching of Paul of Tarsus His statements on abandoning circumcision the irrelevance of the Jewish law for new Christians his practice of traveling with women co-workers and allowing men and women to pray together in p
Faith in Focus
"Arrive,” “draw near,” or “come to”—that’s how “advent” enters English via the Latin advenire. Its usage is wide-ranging. The Vulgate translates the Greek parousia as adventus, “arrival” or “presence,” associated most
From the time of the Devotio Moderna to the present books offering guided meditations on Jesus have been a staple of Christian spirituality Anselm Gr n a Benedictine monk and best-selling spiritual writer in Germany and throughout Europe offers 50 short vignettes of the life and teaching of Jes
The Word
Seventy-five years ago Nov 23 1927 Miguel Pro S J shouted ldquo Long live Christ the King rdquo moments before he was executed by a firing squad in Mexico City At age 37 and only two years ordained he was condemned for ministering to people despite a government ban on the Catholic Church
The Word
Sister Norice our sixth-grade teacher called me out of class and said that the pastor wanted to see me In fear and trembling I went over to the church only to find that a server was needed for an unexpected funeral After Mass Monsignor Nelligan gave me 2 a huge sum in 1943 Going home on the
The Word
The coming weeks present a troika of parables that conclude the public teaching of Jesus in Matthew These constitute his final testament to the disciples a manual of discipleship for life ldquo between the times rdquo of Jesus rsquo earthly presence and his triumphant return They have a menaci