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Flannery O’Connor and her peacocks (photo: Joe McTyre)
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
“Flannery” is an apologia for O’Connor but, like any good defense, it takes the position that she doesn’t need one.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Natasha Sajé
they last seconds then dissipate like apologies
Mark Rylance, far left, played Thomas Cromwell in the BBC production of “Wolf Hall” (2015). Paul Scofield, near left, won an Oscar for his portrayal of St. Thomas More in “A Man for All Seasons” (1966). (photo credit - Masterpiece/Alamy)
Arts & CultureBooks
John Anderson
Mantel’s portrait of More is of a self-serving whiner with a death wish. But what must always be remembered is that she is creating fiction.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Elena Croitoru
I worried his soul had been out for too long.
Arts & CultureBooks
Carino Hodder, O.P.
Annalena Tonelli moved to Kenya in her 20s to work as a teacher. Her desire was to live among the poor as one of the poor.
Arts & CultureBooks
Cairns is a rare figure in American letters: a religious poet free of mawkish piety.