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Arts & CultureTelevision
Olga Segura
Along with changing how society defines what it means to be funny in 2019, the Bodega Boys have given me—and audiences outside of New York City—an opportunity to see the streets, communities, culture we know reflected in popular culture.
Arts & CultureJesuitical
Zac Davis
Are we closer to ending the stigma surrounding mental health care?
Arts & CultureTheater
Brandon Sanchez
“His story is so triumphal in the sense of what he was eventually able to do,” responding to persecution and oppression with an outpouring of love.
Arts & CultureBooks
John Anderson
Crosby was the most Catholic superstar the United States has ever seen.
“Jesus of Nazareth” has not achieved the iconic status of the great biblical epics (photo: Alamy)
Arts & CultureFilm
Margaret Tucker
The oddities of Franco Zeffirelli’s ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ should not be dismissed as defects.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Tom Deignan
There is no way to explain the success of Catholic school athletes without taking into account a wide range of factors—historical, sociological and, yes, spiritual.