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an infrared reflectogram of Albrecht Dürer's Salvator Mundi overlayed behind a burst of color
Arts & CulturePodcasts
What the church teaches about drugs and intoxication? How should Christians respond to psychedelic drugs being used in therapeutic settings?
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Was Cormac McCarthy our greatest American novelist? Or did he take his readers to darker places than many of them wanted to go?
Arts & CultureMusic
Thomas M. Bolin
Paul Simon's new album, 'Seven Psalms,' piles up its own imagery for God, encompassing the biblical God of both comfort and destruction.
Arts & CultureBooks
Brian Linnane
In his new memoir, a noted scholar of L.G.B.T. history describes a world of extended family, Catholic schools and parish life that offered a relatively safe space for him to discover himself as a politically progressive gay man.
Mavis Staples and Mahalia Jackson in ‘Summer of Soul’ (Hulu)
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
‘Summer of Soul’ celebrates Black culture and joy, full of both good news and Good News.
Taylor Swift performs during “The Eras Tour” on May 5, at Nissan Stadium in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)
Arts & CultureMusic
Kevin Christopher Robles
That day I spent in New Jersey, Taylor Swift would be my pastor, MetLife Stadium my parish, and the Swiftie community my congregation.