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Arts & CultureBooks
John W. Miller
For as long as “it has existed as an organized sport, baseball has been telling weird lies about where it came from," writes Thomas W. Gilbert in a new book on baseball's origins.
Arts & CultureBooks
Michael Vaccari
Our first four presidents—George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison—were influenced by the Enlightenment, but even more so by the classical Greeks and Romans.
Dante and Virgil at the gates of purgatory, and the Proud carrying heavy stones, in an illustration of Canto IX of Dante’s "Purgatorio" (photo : CNS photo/Priamo della Quercia, British Library via The Public Domain Review)
Arts & CultureBooks
Jason M. Baxter
What is it about Dante that has made him not just immortal, but urgent and modern?
Arts & CultureBooks
Alex Taylor
A journey into the fictional worlds of Joshua Hren in his 'In The Wine Press' invites us to consider the character of our own grief and suffering.
Arts & CultureBooks
Karen Peterson-Iyer
‘Radical Sufficiency’ engages the very real shortcomings of our national myth.
Photo: iStock
Arts & CultureBooks
Chloe Gunther
From your confirmation saint’s favorite dish, to comforting soup for those suffering from an illness, these recipes can serve as ways to find God in yourself and in your kitchen.